Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Mansueto obviously wasn’t going to drop the topic anytime soon.

It was difficult to suppress my annoyance during dinner, so I was relieved when

everyone left eventually. Father kept nagging me to take a paternity test. This

was another subtle hint that I might not have an heir yet. After I’d brought

Simona to bed, I found Giulia in the doorway to Daniele’s room. “Daniele wants

to be tucked in by you tonight.”

I wasn’t sure I’d heard her right. It had been our ritual, one I’d cherished and

missed whenever I came home too late—a thing of the past. I moved to Giulia

then peered past her toward the bed. Daniele was already in his PJs and sitting

atop his comforter, stroking Loulou. Dogs didn’t belong in bed. It was an

opinion I stood by, but I didn’t have it in me to throw her out. “You want me to

read your bedtime story?”

Daniele nodded. It looked hesitant, but it was there. I met Giulia’s gaze,

wondering what she’d done. She gave me a hopeful smile. Warmth crowded in

my chest. I’d never felt this kind of… tenderness toward a woman. I leaned

down and kissed her briefly before I moved toward the bed.

Daniele’s brows puckered. I sank down beside him and grabbed the picture

book from the nightstand. I didn’t get the chance to open it.

“You kissed Giulia.”

I put down the book as I tried to pull myself together. I’d missed Daniele’s

voice, even if he asked difficult questions. I’d avoided physical closeness with

Giulia in front of him so far, worried it might upset him. “Yes.”

“Why?” He looked curious, not sad or angry. I moved a bit closer and

stroked his head.

“Because I really like Giulia.”

“You liked Mom too.”

Looking into his brown eyes, Gaia’s eyes, I couldn’t do anything but lie. “I

did.” There had been a time when this statement would have held true. I liked

her in the beginning until eventually only resentment remained.

“I miss Mom.” His admittance turned my mouth dry. Of course I knew he

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