Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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for a shopping trip.” I grabbed her under the arms, lifted her out of the chair, then

balanced her on my hip like I’d seen other people do. Simona was silent, but her

eyes had become big; she wasn’t convinced of me yet. For once, Daniele wasn’t

looking at his screen. His intense look was fixed on me and Simona.

“You don’t have to be worried about your sister, Daniele. I’m going to take

care of you two.”

Sybil sighed from the doorway. “They’re too young to understand everything

you’re telling them. Maybe you should explain less. You’re the adult, and you

don’t need to justify your actions to them.”

I frowned. It was obvious that she thought I was another child to take care of.

I was young and inexperienced when children were concerned, but I was also

supposed to be the new mistress of the house and a role model for these children.

I had to put my foot down. “Thank you for your input, Sybil. But how we raise

Daniele and Simona is only Cassio’s and my business.”

After a moment of stunned silence, Sybil gave a curt nod. “Of course.”

Disapproval still oozed from her every pore, and I didn’t really blame her. It

must be strange to have someone as young as myself as your boss.

“The breakfast casserole was absolutely delicious. Thank you for that,” I said

as a peace offering. I didn’t want Sybil as my enemy. I needed all the help I

could get.

Surprise crossed Sybil’s face. Then she nodded, and a hint of pride flickered

in her eyes.

Simona on my hip, I held out my hand for Daniele. “Come, let’s go

shopping. We’ll get you new shoes and cool shirts.” Daniele looked back down

to his tablet.

Searching for a way to convince him, my eyes settled on Loulou, who slept

under the table. “We’re going to buy new things for Loulou too. Don’t you want

to help me choose the best toys for her?”

Daniele’s head shot up, and he hopped off the stool at once.

“The tablet has to stay here. You need to really pay attention so you can

check out all the toys.”

Daniele hesitated, the tablet pressed to his chest. Then slowly he put it down

on the chair and came toward me. Simona was tugging at my bangs curiously.

Daniele didn’t take my hand, but he followed me out into the entrance hall where

Elia was waiting for us.

“Do you need help?” He motioned at Simona.

“Actually, yes. I can’t put on my shoes and help Daniele with his jacket

when I’m holding her.”

Elia smiled and came toward me. As he took Simona from me, his fingers

brushed my hand. For some reason it didn’t feel like an accident. Simona began

wailing the moment he held her, and even if her cries bothered me, I was secretly

elated that she hadn’t cried while in my arms. I quickly got dressed and found a

jacket for Daniele before we finally set out.

I was wedged between the two child seats in the back of the Cadillac while

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