Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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became increasingly good. I moved my hips in rhythm with his pumping. Cassio

massaged my ass cheek with his big hand as he watched his fingers slide into

me. “So pretty,” he growled.

My inner walls spasmed, but before I could come, Cassio withdrew his


I sucked in a breath. “I want to come.”

Cassio smiled darkly as he pushed up to his elbows before he shoved down

his pajama bottoms. “You will, with my cock inside of you.”

He parted my legs and knelt between them. Bracing himself on one muscled

arm, he grabbed his erection and ran the tip along my slit. I gasped at the firm

pressure against my clit. Mesmerized by the sight of the thick red head gliding

over me, covered in my juices, I got up on my elbows to get a better view.

Cassio’s gaze cut to me. First with confusion then with realization. He

groaned, and his cock gave a little twitch. “Fuck.” He swallowed hard. “You

want to watch how my cock gives you what your pussy needs?”

I nodded because my mouth had become dry. He grabbed a pillow and

pushed it under my ass, alleviating me so I could see myself. He looked down

too and guided his thick tip to my lips. He rubbed it up and down slowly, his

breathing deepening like mine. It was such a strange sight. Cassio’s strong hand

on his long shaft glistening with my lust as he rubbed over me. I was getting

closer again, the knot deep inside of me trying to unravel.

Cassio brought his tip to my opening and pushed in a bit. I clenched at the

intrusion, even as my body begged for more. Watching me, Cassio licked his

thumb and pressed it down on my clit, beginning to draw small circles as he

began to thrust into me with shallow, gentle thrusts.

There was a small scar on the thumb stroking me. Round and round his

finger swirled, tugging at that knot inside my core. My gaze dipped lower to

where Cassio’s cock sank into my pussy. He was halfway in by now and pushed

deeper with every new thrust until finally he filled me completely. Without

thinking, I grabbed his firm ass, feeling it flex with every thrust. The feel of it

and the sight of this primal act, of Cassio’s pelvis pressing up to mine, his hips

parting me for him, his abs tensing, and the harsh lust on his gorgeous face

blasted my knot to shreds. I cried out as pleasure radiated through me with a

force that had me clench so tightly that Cassio exhaled sharply from my pussy’s

grip on him. He slammed harder into me as I sunk my nails into his backside,

lifting my hips almost frantically to meet his thrusts. Cassio gripped my hips in a

bruising hold, jerking me faster against him until the slapping of our bodies and

his grunts filled the room as he pounded into me. Soreness thrummed through

me, battling with the low hum of pleasure.

Cassio fell forward, bracing himself on one elbow. He gripped my leg,

pushed it up, and drove harder into me. I gasped then moaned. His eyes burned

into me as he breathed harshly. His moves became uncoordinated, his eyes wild.

I held onto his back desperately, overwhelmed by the sensations of pain and

pleasure, by the feel of his heavy weight pressing me into the bed, by the scent

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