Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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then darted my tongue out, tasting the liquor clinging to his mouth. Smoky and


Cassio stiffened, but the look on his face became even more intense than

before. “What was that?” His voice was a low rasp that I could feel everywhere.

“A kiss?” I didn’t have much experience, but I doubted anyone could mess

up a simple kiss.

“Are you trying to influence me with your body?”

My eyes grew wide. “No. I could smell the liquor on your breath, and I was

curious how it tastes.”

Cassio chuckled. “You are a strange girl.” His mouth twisted. “Woman.”

He looked down at the dog in my arms. It was snuggled against me

peacefully. Without a word, Cassio turned around and returned to his glass of

whisky on the table. I stepped inside and closed the door. Stroking the dog, I

followed my husband.

“What’s its name?”

“Loulou,” Cassio said, a strange note to his voice. I stopped beside him.

“Can I have a sip of your whisky?”

Cassio’s eyes bored into me. “You’ve never had whisky before?”

“No. My father didn’t allow me to drink alcohol. I had my first glass at our


“Many firsts for one day.” A small shiver passed down my spine at the

contemplative growl. “You aren’t old enough for hard liquor.”

My lips parted in indignation. Was he serious?

He downed the remains of his drink, and before I could say something

snarky, he cupped the back of my head and pressed his lips to mine. Gently at

first, his eyes searching mine. I grasped his bicep and stood on my tiptoes—his

permission. Then he really kissed me, his tongue stroking mine, discovering my

mouth. The taste of whisky swirled in my mouth, intoxicating—not as much as

the kiss though. God, his kiss set me aflame.

When he pulled back, I was dazed. Only Loulou squirming in my other arm

brought me back to reality.

Cassio glanced over my head. “What is it, Sybil?”

I whirled around. Sybil hovered in the doorway, wringing her hands and

looking anywhere but at me. She must have caught us kissing, and even though

we hadn’t done anything indecent or forbidden, considering that we were

married, acute embarrassment washed over me.

“The children are asleep, and I cleaned up. Is there anything else you need

from me?”

“No, you can go.”

His clipped voice rubbed me the wrong way. Even if Sybil was working for

him, that didn’t mean he had to sound like a drill sergeant. Sybil nodded and

with a fleeting smile at me, she left.

“Can I see your children?”

Cassio’s brows furrowed. “The dog stays here, and we have to be quiet. I

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