Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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water and set Daniele down on the beach. Loulou inspected him at once as if she

worried the ocean could have harmed him. I handed Simona to Cassio, and

before he went back into the water, he kissed me.

Daniele ran along the water’s edge, Loulou still barking close behind him.

Her fur had grown in again, and she was the cutest curly fluff ball.

“Not so fast!” I called when Daniele and Loulou became too wild, and then

Daniele stumbled and fell down hard. I rushed over to him. Loulou was already

licking his face. I knelt beside him. He was cradling his knee, crying. He’d

landed on a stone and was bleeding from a cut below his knee. “It’s all right.

We’ll fix you.”

Cassio’s shadow fell over us. He handed Simona over to me and carried

Daniele into the house. He managed to calm down in his dad’s arms.

The wound didn’t need stitches, thankfully. Cassio cleaned it and patched it

up with a Band-Aid, all the while talking in a low, soothing voice to Daniele.

Daniele didn’t shed another tear. He tried to be a big boy when he was

around his dad. Cassio patted his head.

“Do you want a popsicle?” I asked.

He bit his lip, looking down at the sofa, shuffling his legs.

“Daniele?” I got down on my haunches in front of him, trying to figure out

what was wrong. He wrapped his arms around my neck, surprising me. “Hey,

you okay?”

I hugged Daniele tightly to my chest, not sure why he needed my closeness

but more than willing to give it to him. “Mom,” he whispered. I froze. Cassio

tensed, his eyes tumultuous as he watched. Was Daniele thinking of Gaia?

Missing her? I pulled back slowly.

Daniele looked down at my chin. “Can I call you mom?”

I choked and tears sprang into my eyes at his unexpected request.

Cassio’s face became still.

I kissed Daniele’s cheek then crushed him to me once more. “Yes. Nothing

would make me happier. I love you.”

He began to sniffle, and I couldn’t hold back either. Cassio averted his eyes,

his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. After a moment, he came over to us

and knelt beside us, hugging us both. I pressed my face into his chest, feeling his

heartbeat thundering in his ribcage. Cassio kissed the top of my head then


Daniele called me mom every chance he got that day, shyly at first, but later

with adorable giddiness.

In the evening, Cassio and I sat on the swing in front of the house, watching

the sunset. We hadn’t talked about today’s events yet. With Daniele and Simona

around, there hadn’t been time.

“I didn’t expect it,” I said. Cassio knew what I was referring to without me

stating it outright. His arm around my shoulders tightened, holding me even

closer to his side.

“Me neither. He’s old enough to remember his mother, but I suppose even

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