2021 Jeonbuk LIFE! Summer Edition

It describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea. Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.

It describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea.
Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.


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Recipe & photos by BETHANY MCCALL

Minari is known by many names Recently in our house one of our favorite

in English, most reflecting how side dishes is saengchae with minari,

the plant thrives in water: water generously provided by my master chef

celery, water parsley, water dropwort. If of a mother-in-law who has been running

minari is easy to grow, it’s even easier to a restaurant in Jeollabuk-do for 35 years.

eat! It’s not often the star of the show, but She prepares hers with some secret

with its fresh, peppery taste, minari can seasoning sauce for her restaurant, but

be used to brighten up a variety of dishes. you can easily make your own version at

My first memorable encounter with minari home with Korean pantry staples. This

was having it heaped on top of a pot of saengchae can be enjoyed as a side dish

blowfish stew, as it’s a popular pairing with or combined with rice, a fried egg, and

many types of fish. Minari can also replace sesame oil for a quick bibimbap.

green onion in making a simple jeon.

Minari and Radish Saengchae



미나리 먹는 방법

번역 : 김나은

미나리는 요리하는데 있어서

주재료는 아니지만, 미나리의

신선함과 향은 요리의 다양성을

살린다. 가장 인기 있는 조합은

생선이 들어있는 국 또는

찌개와 간단한 전에 넣어 같이

요리하는 것이다. 또한 다른

채소와 섞어 신선한 생채를

반찬으로도, 밥, 계란 프라이,

참기름을 조합하여 간단한

비빔밥으로도 즐길 수 있다.

芹 菜 吃 法

翻 译 : 김동영

• 1 bunch of minari (about 300 grams)

• 2 medium-size radishes

• 1 tablespoon salt

• A few chives

• 1 tablespoon sugar

• 4 tablespoons red pepper flakes

• 2 tablespoons diced garlic

• 1/2 tablespoon grated ginger

• 1/2 tablespoon salted shrimp

• 1 tablespoon anchovy sauce

• Sesame seeds for topping

1. Chop the minari into pieces about 5

centimeters long, removing any tough,

purple parts of the stems at the bottom.

Rinse several times before blanching in

boiling water for about 2 minutes. Rinse

in cold water and drain.

2. Clean the radish and julienne using

a knife or mandoline. Place in a bowl

and coat with the salt, mixing well. Wait

15-20 minutes until softened. Drain the

excess liquid.

3. Wash the chives and chop into pieces

about 5 centimeters long.

4. Place the chives, minari, and radish in

a large mixing bowl and combine with

remaining ingredients, adjusting to

taste. For a vegetarian version,

replace seafood with soy sauce.

Top with sesame seeds.


芹 菜 在 烹 饪 上 不 是 主 材 料 ,

但 是 芹 菜 的 新 鲜 感 和 香 味

激 活 了 料 理 的 多 样 性 。 最 受

欢 迎 的 搭 配 是 将 芹 菜 放 入 鱼

汤 或 者 与 可 以 简 单 制 作 的 煎

饼 一 起 烹 饪 。 另 外 , 与 其 他 蔬

菜 拌 在 一 起 制 做 成 小 菜 , 搭

配 米 饭 、 煎 鸡 蛋 、 香 油 , 可 以

做 成 简 单 的 拌 饭 。

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