Phase 2: Assessment - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID

Phase 2: Assessment - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID

Phase 2: Assessment - (PDF, 101 mb) - USAID


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Resolution adopted<br />

by the General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly<br />

21 Dece<strong>mb</strong>er 2001<br />

A / R E S / 5 6 / 2 1 2 Global Code of Ethics for To u r i s m<br />

The General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly,<br />

Recalling its resolution 32/156 of 19 Dece<strong>mb</strong>er 1977, by which it approved the<br />

A g reement on Cooperation and Relationships between the United Nations and the<br />

World Tourism Org a n i z a t i o n ,<br />

R e a ff i rm i n g paragraph 5 of its resolution 36/41 of 19 Nove<strong>mb</strong>er 1981, in which it decided<br />

that the World Tourism Organization might participate, on a continuing basis, in<br />

the work of the General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly in areas of concern to that org a n i z a t i o n ,<br />

R e c a l l i n g the Manila Declaration on World Tourism of 10 October 1980 adopted<br />

under the auspices of the World Tourism Org a n i z a t i o n , 1 the Rio Declaration on<br />

E n v i ronment and Development 2 and Agenda 21 3 adopted at the United Nations<br />

C o n f e rence on Environment and Development on 14 June 1992, and taking note of<br />

the Amman Declaration on Peace through Tourism adopted at the Global Summit on<br />

Peace through Tourism on 11 Nove<strong>mb</strong>er 2000, 4<br />

Considering that the Commission on Sustainable Development, at its seventh session,<br />

held in April 1999, expressed interest in a global code of ethics for tourism<br />

and invited the World Tourism Organization to consider the participation of<br />

informed major groups in the development, implementation and monitoring of<br />

its globlal code of ethics for tourism , 5<br />

R e c a l l i n g its resolution 53/200 of 15 Dece<strong>mb</strong>er 1998 on the proclamation of 2002 as<br />

the International Year of Ecotourism, in which, inter alia, it re a ff i rmed Economic and<br />

Social Council resolution 1998/40 of 30 July 1998, recognizing the support of the<br />

World Tourism Organization for the importance of ecotourism, in particular the designation<br />

of the year 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism, in fostering better<br />

understanding among peoples every w h e re, in leading to greater awareness of the<br />

rich heritage of various civilizations and in bringing about a better appreciation of the<br />

i n h e rent values of diff e rent cultures, thereby contributing to the strengthening of<br />

world peace,<br />

R e c o g n i z i n g the important dimension and role of tourism as a positive instru m e n t<br />

t o w a rds the alleviation of poverty and the improvement of the quality of life for all<br />

people, its potential to make a contribution to economic and social development,<br />

especially of the developing countries, and its emergence as a vital force for the promotion<br />

of international understanding, peace and pro s p e r i t y,<br />

1. Takes note with interest of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism adopted at the<br />

t h i rteenth session of the General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly of the World Tourism Org a n i z a t i o n , 6 w h i c h<br />

outlines principles to guide tourism development and to serve as a frame of re f e re nce<br />

for the diff e rent stakeholders in the tourism sector, with the objective of minimizing<br />

the negative impact of tourism on environment and on cultural heritage while<br />

maximizing the benefits of tourism in promoting sustainable development and<br />

p o v e rty alleviation as well as understanding among nations;<br />

2. Emphasizes the need for the promotion of a responsible and sustainable tourism<br />

that could be beneficial to all sectors of society;<br />

3. Invites Governments and other stakeholders in the tourism sector to consider introducing,<br />

as appropriate, the contents of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in re l evant<br />

laws, regulations and professional practices, and, in this re g a rd, recognizes with<br />

a p p reciation the eff o rts made and measures already undertaken by some States;<br />

4. Encourages the World Tourism Organization to promote effective follow-up to the<br />

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with the involvement of relevant stakeholders in<br />

the tourism sector;<br />

5. Requests the Secre t a ry-General to follow up developments related to the implementation<br />

of the present resolution based on the re p o rts of the World To u r i s m<br />

O rganizaion and to re p o rt thereon to the General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly at its fifty-ninth session.<br />

1 A/36/236, annex, appendix I.<br />

2 Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-<br />

14 June 1992 (United Nations publications, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigenda), vol. I: Resolutions<br />

adopted by the Conference, resolution 1, annex I.<br />

3 Ibid., annex II.<br />

4 See A/55/640.<br />

5 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1999, Supplement No. 9 (E/1999/29),<br />

decision 7/3<br />

6 See E/2001/61, annex.<br />



adopted by resolution A/RES/406(XIII) at<br />

the thirteenth WTO General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly<br />

(Santiago, Chile, 27 Septe<strong>mb</strong>er -<br />

1 October 1999).<br />


We, Me<strong>mb</strong>ers of the World Tourism<br />

O rganization (WTO), re p re s e n t atives<br />

of the world tourism industry,<br />

delegates of States, terr i t o r i e s ,<br />

enterprises, institutions and bodies<br />

that are gathered for the General<br />

Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly at Santiago, Chile on this<br />

first day of October 1999,<br />

R e a s s e rt i n g the aims set out in Art i c l e<br />

3 of the Statutes of the World To u r i s m<br />

O rganization, and aware of the “decisive<br />

and central” role of this<br />

O rganization, as recognized by the<br />

General Asse<strong>mb</strong>ly of the United<br />

Nations, in promoting and developing<br />

tourism with a view to contributing to<br />

economic development, intern a t i o n a l<br />

understanding, peace, prosperity and<br />

universal respect for, and observ a n c e<br />

of, human rights and fundamental<br />

f reedoms for all without distinction as<br />

to race, sex, language or re l i g i o n ,<br />

F i rmly believing that, through the<br />

d i rect, spontaneous and non-mediatized<br />

contacts it engenders between<br />

men and women of diff e rent culture s<br />

and lifestyles, tourism re p resents a<br />

vital force for peace and a factor of<br />

friendship and understanding among<br />

the peoples of the world,<br />

In keeping with the rationale of re conciling<br />

environmental protection,<br />

economic development and the fight<br />

against poverty in a sustainable mann<br />

e r, as formulated by the United<br />

Nations in 1992 at the “Earth Summit”<br />

of Rio de Janeiro and expressed in<br />

Agenda 21, adopted on that occasion,<br />

Taking into account the swift and continued<br />

growth, both past and fore s e eable,<br />

of the tourism activity, whether<br />

for leisure, business, culture, re l i g i o u s<br />

or health purposes, and its powerf u l<br />

e ffects, both positive and negative, on<br />

the environment, the economy and<br />

the society of both generating and<br />

receiving countries, on local communities<br />

and indigenous peoples, as well as<br />

on international relations and trade,<br />

Aiming to promote responsible, sustainable<br />

and universally accessible<br />

tourism in the framework of the

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