Slumbered Sleep

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Most people are unaware that al-qailullah,

also known as the “power nap” or the benefits

of a quick nap, is really practiced in

non-Muslim nations including the United

States, Canada, and Japan. Many have

recognized the significance of qailullah

after decades of research; for instance,

the United States of America founded the

National Sleep Disorder Association to

raise public awareness of the benefits of

daytime naps. The Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) forbade sleep twice: immediately

following subh and immediately following

asar prayers. After the morning (subh)

prayers, the Prophet (pbuh) did not go to

sleep since Allah Almighty blesses people

who work in the mornings. (Heidari,


Islam talks about 4 types of sleep, they are:

• Sinah: The word Sinah (derived from sin) refers to the body being weaker at the start of sleep.

Sensation and cognition are impaired when wild organisms that have evolved sleep do so.

• Nu’ass: Nu’ass is referred to as the start of light sleep and relaxation. When the Prophet noticed

that his followers were unable to sleep the night before the battle and were struggling to defend

themselves against the enemy, he announced the good news of God’s angels coming to their aid

and expressed sympathy for them so they all could rest peacefully at night.

• Long sleep is the greatest explanation for ruqood. It is now understood that persons who

spend too much time in one position while sleeping develop issues like blood clots and bedsores.

• Subaat: Subaat means “deep slumber,” which is also known as “slow wave sleep.” From the

standpoint of contemporary science. According to some theories, the name “Subaat” derives from

the Arabic words for interruption, shut down, and rest. Subaat denotes welfare and contentment,

according to Allameh Tabatabaee in Al-mizan. because it promotes tranquility, restores physical

strength, and can avoid exhaustion brought on by awareness and self-possession. (Heidari, 2013)

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