Slumbered Sleep

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To formally assess for sleep apnea, a person

may be asked to undergo a sleep evaluation

with a sleep specialist or may request an

overnight sleep study. A nightly sleep study

known as a polysomnogram is part of the

testing (PSG). In a sleep lab, a PSG is carried

out under the close supervision of a certified

technician. Numerous bodily processes that

occur at night while you sleep are monitored

during the test. Following the study, the severity

of the sleep apnea is assessed and the

number of occasions when breathing is hampered

while sleeping is recorded.

Losing weight can be advantageous for overweight

people. Most patients can have a reduction

in breathlessness episodes of even

10% with weight loss. However, uncorrected

obstructive sleep apnea can make it challenging

to lose weight since it can cause changes

in the metabolism and increased appetite.

Figure 44

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