Slumbered Sleep

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Approval of the Thesis Book for Final Architectural Project

Department of Architecture,

Sleep is one of our best friends. Healthy sleep undoubtedly has

many physical and mental benefits and enrolls us in imaginary

worlds we could never experience without that relaxed state of

mind. Experiences in dreams are typically surreal and feel like reality

when we’re living through them and our waking environment

undoubtedly influencing our dreams. The mind is a complex but

wonderful guide to why we dream of what we dream of when we

sleep, even getting inspired by our thoughts throughout our waking

hours and influenced by our daily lives. What happens when we’re

awake directly correlates to the events that occur in our dreams

when we sleep.

School of Architecture, Art, and Design, American University in Dubai

Student’s Full Name: Mario Boles

Thesis Book Title: Slumbered Struggle

Sleep enrolls you in an infinite number of imaginary worlds, living

through many different stories and lives throughout the night and

experiencing events that at times, changes our perception of the

real world. Sleep is not a perfect process; many people struggle

with different type of sleep disturbances including myself. I have

experienced sleep paralysis several times over the past couple

years and the experience intrigued my curiosity on the causes and

meaning behind such an experience. Also, my brother has suffered

from sleep apnea throughout his life and is currently using a medical

device to help him sleep at night. This thesis is dedicated to

exploring sleep from beginning to end as well as dreams.

There is a lack of architectural experiences inspired by sleep or

try to involve the idea of sleep into the design, but for an aspect of

our day that takes up a third of our lives, there is little architectural

experiences dedicated to this subject.

Student Signature: ________________________________ Date __________________

Advisor / Professor Name: : Dr. Abdellatif Qamhaieh

Advisor / Professor Signature: _______________________ Date __________________

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