Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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They make too much fun of Oreki-san.

He gets called dullish, a slacker, oversleeper, lazy, good-for-nothing, loiterer,

too lazy to even loiter, a lion that sleeps all day, not a even a lion even if he

sleeps all day, the antithesis of Labour Thanksgiving Day, sluggish, and all

other sorts of bad names.

For me, if I see something I don't understand, I would seek out its answer. If I

see something that looks out of place, I would spot it. But while I often get

praised for being able to answer any problem being asked, I do not find

myself matching that description. For some of the incredible things that I

have come across, I was not able to find the answer to half of them. This

would be like how rice cannot be grown by just merely preparing soil, water

and seeds alone, part of being a rice farmer is to oversee how they're grown

properly. Oreki-san was able to find the key to the questions that I did not

understand, and obtain the answers which I had never thought about. He

helped massively in the "Hyouka" incident, as named by Fukube-san, as well

as come up with an amazing theory in the "Empress" incident.

He wasn't just a bright person. In contrast to what he himself normally

claims, that he couldn't be bothered to help other people if it is too troubling

for him, I believe he is actually a passionate and warm person deep inside.

Then again, I realize I've been relying too much on that warmth of his. That's

why I tell myself I shouldn't rely too much on him...

With the new vision and possibilities shown to me by Oreki-san, I now head

once again to the Wall Newspaper Club room. Based on the "pattern" that

Oreki-san had spoke of, it would certainly attract the attention of the Wall

Newspaper Club. Yet, whether I could convey this message to them to get

them moving would depend on how I negotiate with them. I am no longer

overwhelmed by the colourful decorations of the Cultural Festival, the

incessant chattering of the students and the various posters pasted

everywhere. Instead, courtesy of Irisu-san's advice, my heart was filled with

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