Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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A score to settle, huh? It never even crossed my mind. I was hardly

concerned with how satisfied Tani-kun would be with the outcome anyway.

It's true that I often enjoy myself in many things. Indeed, I would have so

much fun that Houtarou would end up staring coldly at me.

But what's most important is for me to experience this personally. I see

enjoyment as basically a give-and-take relationship between the provider and

receiver of the entertainment. This is why I could never be as fanatical in my

interests, be it Sherlock Holmes or herbology, as my best friend (whoa, this is

quite embarrassing for me to actually utter it, but his is the first name I could

think of) Houtarou or the magnificent Mayaka.

I'm rather naive when it comes to things that I like, find interesting or enjoy.

Using a bookshelf as an example, normally a bookshelf would contain

reference books or novels used to kill time, but in comparison, my bookshelf

is not worth showing to other people. (Though if it's Mayaka, she'd probably

want to have a look... But it's unlikely she would ever say it out loud.)

Similarly, my relationship with the provider of entertainment is simply to

quietly have high expectations and taking it easy as I enjoy myself.

So according to my psuedo-Epicureanism, this talk of "settling scores"...

Well, it's inelegant.

But this is all trivial, as I had no intention of giving it my all. To put it

simply, Tani-kun is simply participating in tournaments which I'm

participating in out of his own accord.

I meandered to and fro as I left the now rather empty courtyard.

By the way, enjoying oneself and worrying about one's friends are totally

different matters altogether.

I wonder how Houtarou's doing now?

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