Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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Kouchi-sempai nodded satisfactorily.

"Yup, that's what I meant."


As I was about to respond, I noticed someone's hand moving. Before me, the

pile of Zeamis copies were being removed by President Yuasa, which I didn't


There was a decisive flaw in Kouchi-sempai's argument, yet I wonder if she

has noticed it already? While feeling uneasy, I tried to maintain a calm voice

and continued, "In that case, wouldn't it also be harmful to think that

'Subjectively, any manga can be rubbish, and so it is meaningless to call a

manga good'?"

In that way, there was no way she could agree with that. But if she disagrees,

then she would have to rephrase her argument. Despite being confronted with

such a contradiction, Kouchi-sempai gave a profound smile and said, "Yeah."


For a moment, I was lost for words. Even her followers murmured. It was as

confusing as falling into nothingness. No one could understand what she was

thinking when she made such a response.

Taking advantage of my wavering, Kouchi-sempai spoke cheerfully.

"But it's true, isn't it? Since even you thought so.

"Just because a manga is called boring doesn't mean the manga itself is

boring. It simply means the person's tolerance antenna is set rather low for

the title. So for those cowards who do not want to express themselves clearly

would say 'This manga doesn't suit me' rather than just call it boring.

"So it's the same thing. Just because a manga is called interesting doesn't

mean the work itself is interesting. It just means the person has a high

tolerance for the interesting aspects of the title. Am I right?"

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