Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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only be from my class. The only person I could think of who could stand out

from my class was Juumonji-san.

No, wait, I remember. I'm sure of it. I've not completely forsaken my ability

to remember names.

"So, how's the Go Club, Tani-kun?"

Tani Koreyuki, besides being a member of the Go Club, he was also unique

in having a hard to spell name. We would occasionally have small chats like

these in class, though I wasn't particularly that close to him, so he could be

counted as one of my "acquaintances." Now that I see his face again, he had

quite a firm jaw and a rather round nose. But as he didn't leave much of an

impression on me besides those, it means his actions until now were nothing

out of the ordinary.

I have more interest in people who surprise me. Chitanda-san interests me

somewhat, and Houtarou has been surprising me a lot ever since we entered

Kami High. As for people who aren't surprising, unless they have interesting

features of club activities, I would barely struggle to remember their names.

Yet here was Tani-kun passing the Quiz Trial preliminaries. And those

weren't easy questions either. I see now, Tani-kun, my impression of you as a

normal person may not be correct. He was here due to possessing either a

great amount of knowledge or luck.

Tani-kun showed no attempt to hide his elation.

"The Go Club? I do have something interesting to tell you, wanna hear?"

Something interesting, huh? If it's something that's changed my impression of

Tani-kun, it would be that he's never told me something interesting before, as

it did not appeal to me.

"Please step forward to the podium!"

The announcer repeated. Oh yes, my chance at making an appeal. I waved the

palm of my hand to gesture to Tani-kun to move to the podium.

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