Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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quite surprised when I learned which club she had joined. Since Kaho-san

wasn't quite good with hanging out with other people.

"Having my fortune told? That means..."

"Yes, this is the Fortune Telling Association stall."

"Where are the other members?"

Upon hearing that, Kaho-san made a rather cynical smile.

"Oh, it's just me at the moment."

"Eh, that's unexpected. But isn't it supposed to be popular?"

"That would be the Charms Association. They're the more popular club."

Speaking of which, I do recall seeing such a club being mentioned in the

notice board.

"Well, how about it?"

As she spoke, Kaho-san began lining up objects on her table.

"If the crystal ball isn't to your fancy, then how about bamboo stick or card

divination? Though these are just imitations. There's also coffee grounds

divination and of course, the standard Tarot cards..."

As she rummaged through the items in a paper bag beside her feet, she

suddenly stopped.

"Oh, we can't do Tarot cards today."

"Eh? Why's that?"

Hearing Kaho-san sound troubled for once piqued my interest. This was due

to the Classics Club having once discussed Tarot cards back in the summer

holidays, so I was thinking maybe we could have our fortunes told with Tarot


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