Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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"And now, we have come to the year which the afterword has mentioned, and

we are witnessing a series of events that is similar to Christie's A.B.C.

Murders, which matches my seventh point. Are all these events



Satoshi continued where I left off,

"Are you saying that Ashes at Dusk has foretold the Jumoji incident?"

Well, I didn't exactly come to such a conclusion yet, anyway,

"If it sounds too good to be true to make these connections between Ashes at

Dusk and The Kudryavka Sequence with the Juumoji incident, then what

other connection could there be? Juumoji couldn't possibly be doing this just

for fun after waiting for a year, could he?"

Of course, this was a rhetorical question. There was no way he was doing this

for fun. Satoshi remained silent, implicitly agreeing that I was right.

"Satoshi, there is a meaning behind all this, or rather, a motive. He didn't

make any warning beforehand, neither did he attempt to make himself

known, plus the stuff he's stolen, like the water gun and candles, these weren't

stolen for fun. I get a feeling someone is ensuring Juumoji accomplishes his

task smoothly without causing any trouble to other clubs,

"And yet, skipping [KU] does not match his profile. If he had intended to

target clubs starting with [KU], he would have done so regardless, so why

avoid it......?"

I stopped here, for any further would require more thinking.

After a brief silence, Satoshi slowy spoke,

"...... I'm going back. I can't just let Chitanda-san go to the interview


He said with a bitter smile.

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