Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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Broadcasting Club and Wall Newspaper Club if it is to achieve its objective. I

must inform Chitanda-san of this later.

Anyway, that's for me to worry about after the Trial. For now, I must focus

on this Quiz Trial, as it's crucial for me to get as high a ranking as possible,

since I'm not participating in my favourite event in a personal capacity, but

on behalf of the Classics Club. No offense to the others, but the only one in

the club capable of winning this would be me. So this would not be an easy


The Quiz Club president walked up to the podium. It wasn't someone I knew.

If it was a Kamiyama High School student that I knew, then he or she would

have to be someone really special or eccentric. In his hand he carried a mic.

A short static noise ensued as he tapped the mic and proceeded to speak.

"Welcome to the Quiz Trial. To be honest, we're surprised by the number of

participants we have today. This year will be our 7th Quiz Trial, and it is the

largest ever held so far..." Blah, blah, blah, followed by, "Now let the

tournament begin. First we will have the true and false questions

preliminaries. On your left is the true box with a circle, while on your right is

the false box with a cross. One of our members will hold up a placard with a

question, and you must figure out whether it is true or false, and only those

who answer correctly will advance. The preliminaries will continue until only

five contestants remain. You have 15 seconds for each question. Now then,

may the 7th Quiz Trial begin!"

As he finished, one of the female Quiz Club members stepped up onto the

podium and received the mic from the president who stepped down. I was a

bit relieved, as this president's words were rather unintelligible to the ears.

The girl took the mic and looked at the cue card in one of her hands and said

clearly, "Question 1! If 'diamond' in Japanese is 'kongouseki' (diamond

stone), then 'emerald' would be 'ryokuchuugyoku' (green pillar jade). True or


Hmm, now how should I answer this?

Of course it's true. (Since unlike beryl, the chemical composition of emerald

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