Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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"...... Girlfriend?"

"No, I mean you sounded as dependent as the tip of my finger,"

Irisu-san continued,

"If you keep on with such an act, sooner or later pretending can turn into your

reality. It's true that you've never negotiated like that before...... but in that

case, you should have placed your expectations on people who could do the

task. What I'm trying to say is, you should quit with such unskilled

maneuvering and just say what you want to say. While going straight to the

point is often your weakness, on the other hand, it could also be your greatest

weapon...... You understand what I mean?"

Yes, I do. Irisu-san was worried about me.

Though with apologies to her, she may be worrying too much. So I gave her a

reassuring smile andsaid,

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing...... I just felt I wasn't suited for such a

thing. Umm, in other words...... I'm tired of it."

Irisu-san smiled gently in response.

065 - ♦12

After the Closing Ceremony had ended, the Kamiyama High School Cultural

Festival officially comes to an end. Though normal lessons won't resume

right away, as before that, all students are required to clean up the school

before leaving.

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