Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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"...... What's wrong with that? It's not like it's a taboo word,"

"Uh uh,"

I raised my right index finger and waved it two, three times,

"This is a really complex subject. I'll explain to you once the Cultural Festival

is over,"

"Um, Fuku-chan,"

"One should not use the word 'expect' when one is confident of himself,"

I interrupted Mayaka before she could continue, which was kind of rare.

Mayaka shut her mouth and held back whatever it was she had wanted to say.

Looking down the decorated corridor, I smiled. I was pretty good at smiling,

to the point of not knowing how to make a serious face.

"Dictionaries usually have a preset definition for a word. I myself am not

really a person that quotes from dictionaries. So, Mayaka, while I wouldn't

know how a dictionary would define this word, but for me, 'Expect' is only

something you say when you've given up,"


I really hoped she would have said something in response, or I'm just talking

to myself,

"One only expects when one is depleted of time, resources or energy. The

reason Nelson said 'England expects that every man will do his duty' to his

men was because even Nelson himself wasn't so sure if he could defeat

France. One only expects when one has run out of all other options.

"Tani-kun doesn't really expect anything from me, as he thought he was able

to figure something out by himself. It's concerning how young people these

days misuse their words, there should be a reform of the Japanese Language

education. You only use the word 'expect' in occasions like......"

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