Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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Taking a deep breath, I put on a smile and said, "Welcome."

The bystanders who were glancing at me quickly turned their backs around.

Perhaps I had spoken in a rough tone, and maybe they thought I was


If this was a manga, then veins would have popped up in my forehead


021 - ♥05

Now Featuring:

The Battle of the Maidens!

in Manga Theory Debate

(The Jiangshi vs The Hermaphrodite)

...I wonder what this poster could be about? It was written in very huge and

trendy letters.

As I happened to be passing by, I had decided to drop by the Manga Studies

Club and pay Mayaka-san a visit, but I ended up being distracted by this

strange poster outside.

Is this Battle of the Maidens currently going on right now? As I was about to

take a peek inside, a female student emerged from the door. I recognized that

person; it was the president of the Manga Studies Club, Yuasa Naoko-san.

"Um, what is this?" I pointed to the poster and asked.

Yuasa-san gave a gentle smile as she proceeded to slowly tear the poster

down, she then turned toward a bewildered me and replied, "Oh, we're just

finished with that. We'll be holding another at 1pm tomorrow, so please do

come visit again. The Manga Studies Club wishes you a good day today."

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