Hyouka - Volume 03 - The Kudryavka Sequence - Welcome to KANYA FESTA! (1)

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"It's not a bribe, is it?"

"Well, not quite, but close enough,"

I smiled bitterly.

"I'll get straight to the point. You must be 'Juumoji', right?"


Unexpectedly, "Juumoji" smiled at my suggestion,

"Surely that's just a wild guess?"

"Chances of making a correct wild guess would have been less than one in a

thousand. It's not that simple."

"As I don't really have that much free time, so I'll at least hear what you've

got to say,"

As he said that, he leaned against a nearby pole. I took out a greeting card

from my pocket,

"In a hurry huh? Well, so am I. I'll make this as short as possible.

"First, this is the card that's left in the scene of crime. Why would the culprit

use the word 'lost' to describe items being taken? To be precise, what was the

difference between 'lost' and 'stolen'?"

He showed some interest, though his expression remained unmoved.

"There wouldn't be much difference whether the A Capella Club had things

stolen or lost. Yet along the way, something was not merely stolen, but

completely destroyed. And that was a major hint. You have stolen everything

from that, but why is that?"

While the "Juumoji" Incident was foretold in Ashes at Dusk, but the

connection is still very weak. There must be some other meaning.

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