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2.4 Properties of the Sample Mean and Autocorrelation Function 61<br />

N(ρk,n −1 W), i.e.,<br />

Example 2.4.2 iid Noise<br />

ˆρ ≈ N ρ,n −1 W , (2.4.9)<br />

where ρ (ρ(1),...,ρ(k)) ′ , and W is the covariance matrix whose (i, j) element<br />

is given by Bartlett’s formula<br />

∞ 2<br />

wij ρ(k + i)ρ(k + j)+ ρ(k − i)ρ(k + j)+ 2ρ(i)ρ(j)ρ (k)<br />

k−∞<br />

− 2ρ(i)ρ(k)ρ(k + j)− 2ρ(j)ρ(k)ρ(k + i) .<br />

Simple algebra shows that<br />

∞<br />

wij {ρ(k + i) + ρ(k − i) − 2ρ(i)ρ(k)}<br />

k1<br />

×{ρ(k + j)+ ρ(k − j)− 2ρ(j)ρ(k)}, (2.4.10)<br />

which is a more convenient form of wij for computational purposes.<br />

If {Xt} ∼IID 0,σ2 , then ρ(h) 0 for |h| > 0, so from (2.4.10) we obtain<br />

<br />

1 if i j,<br />

wij <br />

0 otherwise.<br />

For large n, therefore, ˆρ(1),..., ˆρ(h) are approximately independent and identically<br />

distributed normal random variables with mean 0 and variance n −1 . This result is<br />

the basis for the test that data are generated from iid noise using the sample ACF<br />

described in Section 1.6. (See also Example 1.4.6.)<br />

Example 2.4.3 An MA(1) process<br />

If {Xt} is the MA(1) process of Example 1.4.4, i.e., if<br />

Xt Zt + θZt−1, t 0, ±1,...,<br />

where {Zt} ∼WN(0,σ2 ), then from (2.4.10)<br />

<br />

2 4<br />

1 − 3ρ (1) + 4ρ (1), if i 1,<br />

wii <br />

1 + 2ρ 2 (1), if i>1,<br />

is the approximate variance of n −1/2 ( ˆρ(i) − ρ(i)) for large n. In Figure 2.1 we have<br />

plotted the sample autocorrelation function ˆρ(k), k 0,...,40, for 200 observations<br />

from the MA(1) model<br />

Xt Zt − .8Zt−1, (2.4.11)<br />

where {Zt} is a sequence of iid N(0, 1) random variables. Here ρ(1) −.8/1.64 <br />

−.4878 and ρ(h) 0 for h>1. The lag-one sample ACF is found to be ˆρ(1)

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