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Springer - Read

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3.1 ARMA(p, q) Processes 87<br />

{πj} given by (see (3.1.8))<br />

π0 1,<br />

π1 −(.4 + .5),<br />

π2 −(.4 + .5)(−.4),<br />

πj −(.4 + .5)(−.4) j−1 , j 1, 2,....<br />

(A direct derivation of these formulas for {ψj} and {πj} was given in Section 2.3<br />

without appealing to the recursions (3.1.7) and (3.1.8).)<br />

Example 3.1.2 An AR(2) process<br />

Let {Xt} be the AR(2) process<br />

Xt .7Xt−1 − .1Xt−2 + Zt, {Zt} ∼WN 0,σ 2 .<br />

The autoregressive polynomial for this process has the factorization φ(z) 1−.7z+<br />

.1z 2 (1 − .5z)(1 − .2z), and is therefore zero at z 2 and z 5. Since these<br />

zeros lie outside the unit circle, we conclude that {Xt} is a causal AR(2) process with<br />

coefficients {ψj} given by<br />

ψ0 1,<br />

ψ1 .7,<br />

ψ2 .7 2 − .1,<br />

ψj .7ψj−1 − .1ψj−2, j 2, 3,....<br />

While it is a simple matter to calculate ψj numerically for any j, it is possible also<br />

to give an explicit solution of these difference equations using the theory of linear<br />

difference equations (see TSTM, Section 3.6).<br />

The option Model>Specify of the program ITSM allows the entry of any causal<br />

ARMA(p, q) model with p

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