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5.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 161<br />

searches systematically for the values of φ and θ that minimize the reduced likelihood<br />

(5.2.12) and computes the corresponding maximum likelihood estimate of σ 2 from<br />

(5.2.10).<br />

Least Squares Estimation for Mixed Models<br />

The least squares estimates ˜φ and ˜θ of φ and θ are obtained by minimizing the function<br />

S as defined in (5.2.11) rather than ℓ as defined in (5.2.12), subject to the constraints<br />

that the model be causal and invertible. The least squares estimate of σ 2 is<br />

˜σ 2 <br />

S ˜φ, ˜θ<br />

<br />

n − p − q .<br />

Order Selection<br />

In Section 5.1 we introduced minimization of the AICC value as a major criterion for<br />

the selection of the orders p and q. This criterion is applied as follows:<br />

AICC Criterion:<br />

Choose p, q, φp, and θq to minimize<br />

AICC −2lnL(φ p, θq,S(φ p, θq)/n) + 2(p + q + 1)n/(n − p − q − 2).<br />

For any fixed p and q it is clear that the AICC is minimized when φ p and θq are<br />

the vectors that minimize −2lnL(φ p, θq,S(φ p, θq)/n), i.e., the maximum likelihood<br />

estimators. Final decisions with respect to order selection should therefore be made on<br />

the basis of maximum likelihood estimators (rather than the preliminary estimators of<br />

Section 5.1, which serve primarily as a guide). The AICC statistic and its justification<br />

are discussed in detail in Section 5.5.<br />

One of the options in the program ITSM is Model>Estimation>Autofit. Selection<br />

of this option allows you to specify a range of values for both p and q, after<br />

which the program will automatically fit maximum likelihood ARMA(p, q) values<br />

for all p and q in the specified range, and select from these the model with smallest<br />

AICC value. This may be slow if a large range is selected (the maximum range is from<br />

0 through 27 for both p and q), and once the model has been determined, it should<br />

be checked by preliminary estimation followed by maximum likelihood estimation<br />

to minimize the risk of the fitted model corresponding to a local rather than a global<br />

maximum of the likelihood. (For more details see Appendix D.3.1.)<br />

Confidence Regions for the Coefficients<br />

For large sample size the maximum likelihood estimator ˆβ of β : (φ1,..., φp,<br />

θ1, ...,θq) ′ is approximately normally distributed with mean β and covariance matrix<br />

n −1 V(β) which can be approximated by 2H −1 (β), where H is the Hessian

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