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Springer - Read

Springer - Read


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332 Chapter 10 Further Topics<br />

are, respectively, the input and output of the transfer function model<br />

∞<br />

Xt2 τjXt−j,1 + Nt, (10.1.1)<br />

j0<br />

where T {τj,j 0, 1,...} is a causal time-invariant linear filter and {Nt} is a<br />

zero-mean stationary process, uncorrelated with the input process {Xt1}. We further<br />

assume that {Xt1} is a zero-mean stationary time series. Then the bivariate process<br />

{(Xt1,Xt2) ′ } is also stationary. Multiplying each side of (10.1.1) by Xt−k,1 and then<br />

taking expectations gives the equation<br />

∞<br />

γ21(k) τjγ11(k − j). (10.1.2)<br />

j0<br />

Equation (10.1.2) simplifies a great deal if the input process happens to be white<br />

noise. For example, if {Xt1} ∼WN(0,σ2 1 ), then we can immediately identify tk from<br />

(10.1.2) as<br />

τk γ21(k)/σ 2<br />

1 . (10.1.3)<br />

This observation suggests that “prewhitening” of the input process might simplify the<br />

identification of an appropriate transfer function model and at the same time provide<br />

simple preliminary estimates of the coefficients tk.<br />

If {Xt1} can be represented as an invertible ARMA(p, q) process<br />

φ(B)Xt1 θ(B)Zt, {Zt} ∼WN 0,σ 2<br />

Z , (10.1.4)<br />

then application of the filter π(B) φ(B)θ−1 (B) to {Xt1} will produce the whitened<br />

series {Zt}. Now applying the operator π(B) to each side of (10.1.1) and letting<br />

Yt π(B)Xt2, we obtain the relation<br />

where<br />

Yt <br />

∞<br />

j0<br />

N ′<br />

t π(B)Nt,<br />

τjZt−j + N ′<br />

t ,<br />

and {N ′<br />

t } is a zero-mean stationary process, uncorrelated with {Zt}. The same arguments<br />

that led to (10.1.3) therefore yield the equation<br />

τj ρYZ(j)σY /σZ, (10.1.5)<br />

where ρYZ is the cross-correlation function of {Yt} and {Zt}, σ 2 Z Var(Zt), and<br />

σ 2 Y Var(Yt).<br />

Given the observations {(Xt1,Xt2) ′ ,t 1,...,n}, the results of the previous<br />

paragraph suggest the following procedure for estimating {τj} and analyzing the<br />

noise {Nt} in the model (10.1.1):

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