Springer - Read

Springer - Read

Springer - Read


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estimation of missing values<br />

in an ARIMA process, 287<br />

in an AR(p) process, 288<br />

in a state-space model, 286<br />

estimation of the white noise variance<br />

least squares, 161<br />

maximum likelihood, 160<br />

using Burg’s algorithm, 148<br />

using the Hannan-Rissanen algorithm,<br />

157<br />

using the innovations algorithm, 155<br />

using the Yule-Walker equations, 142<br />

expectation, 373<br />

exponential distribution, 370<br />

exponential family models, 301–302<br />

exponential smoothing, 27–28, 322<br />

F<br />

filter (see linear filter)<br />

Fisher information matrix, 387<br />

forecasting, 63–77, 167–169 (see also<br />

prediction)<br />

forecasting ARIMA processes, 198–203<br />

forecast function, 200–203<br />

h-step predictor, 199<br />

mean square error of, 200<br />

forecast density, 293<br />

forward prediction errors, 147<br />

Fourier frequencies, 122<br />

Fourier indices, 13<br />

fractionally integrated ARMA process,<br />

361<br />

estimation of, 363<br />

spectral density of, 363<br />

Whittle likelihood approximation, 363<br />

fractionally integrated white noise, 362<br />

autocovariance of, 362<br />

variance of, 362<br />

frequency domain, 111<br />

G<br />

gamma distribution, 371<br />

gamma function, 371<br />

GARCH(p, q) process, 352–357<br />

ARMA model with GARCH noise, 356<br />

fitting GARCH models, 353–356<br />

Gaussian-driven, 354<br />

generalizations, 356<br />

regression with GARCH noise, 356<br />

Index 431<br />

t-driven, 355<br />

Gaussian likelihood<br />

in time series context, 387<br />

of a CAR(1) process, 359<br />

of a multivariate AR process, 246<br />

of an ARMA(p, q) process, 160<br />

with missing observations, 284–285,<br />

290<br />

of GARCH model, 354<br />

of regression with ARMA errors, 213<br />

Gaussian linear process, 344<br />

Gaussian time series, 380<br />

Gauss-Markov theorem, 385<br />

generalized distribution function, 115<br />

generalized least squares (GLS)<br />

estimation, 212, 386<br />

generalized inverse, 272, 312<br />

generalized state-space models<br />

Bayesian, 292<br />

filtering, 293<br />

forecast density, 293<br />

observation-driven, 299–311<br />

parameter-driven, 292–299<br />

prediction, 293<br />

Gibbs phenomenon, 131<br />

goals scored by England against<br />

Scotland, 306–311<br />

goodness of fit (see also tests of<br />

randomness) based on ACF, 21<br />

H<br />

Hannan-Rissanen algorithm, 156<br />

harmonic regression, 12–13<br />

Hessian matrix, 161, 214<br />

hidden process, 293<br />

Holt-Winters algorithm, 322–326<br />

seasonal, 326–328<br />

hypothesis testing, 389–391<br />

large-sample tests based on confidence<br />

regions, 390–391<br />

uniformly most powerful test, 390<br />

I<br />

independent random variables, 375<br />

identification techniques, 187–193<br />

for ARMA processes, 161, 169–174,<br />

189<br />

for AR(p) processes, 141<br />

for MA(q) processes, 152<br />

for seasonal ARIMA processes, 206<br />

iid noise, 8, 16<br />

sample ACF of, 61<br />

multivariate, 232<br />

innovations, 82, 273<br />

innovations algorithm, 73–75, 150–151<br />

fitted innovations MA(m) model, 151<br />

multivariate, 246<br />

input, 51<br />

intervention analysis, 340–343<br />

invertible<br />

ARMA process, 86<br />

multivariate ARMA process, 243<br />

Itô integral, 358<br />

ITSM, 31, 32, 43, 44, 81, 87, 95, 188,<br />

333, 337–339, 395–421<br />

J<br />

joint distributions of a time series, 7<br />

joint distribution of a random vector, 374<br />

K<br />

Kalman recursions<br />

filtering, 271, 276<br />

prediction, 271, 273<br />

h-step, 274<br />

smoothing, 271, 277<br />

Kullback-Leibler discrepancy, 171<br />

Kullback-Leibler index, 172<br />

L<br />

Lake Huron (LAKE.TSM), 10–11,<br />

21–23, 63, 149–150, 155, 157, 163,<br />

174, 193, 215–217, 291<br />

latent process, 293<br />

large-sample tests based on confidence<br />

regions, 390–391<br />

least squares estimation<br />

for ARMA processes, 161<br />

for regression model, 383–386<br />

for transfer function models, 333–335<br />

of trend, 10<br />

likelihood function, 386 (see also<br />

Gaussian likelihood)<br />

linear combination of sinusoids, 116<br />

linear difference equations, 201<br />

linear filter, 26, 42, 51<br />

input, 51

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