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5.1 Preliminary Estimation 141<br />

Large-Sample Distribution of Yule–Walker Estimators:<br />

For a large sample from an AR(p) process,<br />

ˆφ ≈ N φ,n −1 σ 2 Ɣ −1<br />

p .<br />

If we replace σ 2 and Ɣp by their estimates ˆσ 2 and ˆƔp, we can use this result to<br />

find large-sample confidence regions for φ and each of its components as in (5.1.12)<br />

and (5.1.13) below.<br />

Order Selection<br />

In practice we do not know the true order of the model generating the data. In fact,<br />

it will usually be the case that there is no true AR model, in which case our goal<br />

is simply to find one that represents the data optimally in some sense. Two useful<br />

techniques for selecting an appropriate AR model are given below. The second is<br />

more systematic and extends beyond the narrow class of pure autoregressive models.<br />

• Some guidance in the choice of order is provided by a large-sample result (see<br />

TSTM, Section 8.10), which states that if {Xt} is the causal AR(p) process defined<br />

by (5.1.1) with {Zt} ∼iid 0,σ 2 and if we fit a model with order m>pusing<br />

the Yule–Walker equations, i.e., if we fit a model with coefficient vector<br />

ˆφm ˆR −1<br />

m ˆρm, m>p,<br />

then the last component, ˆφmm, of the vector ˆφm is approximately normally distributed<br />

with mean 0 and variance 1/n. Notice that ˆφmm is exactly the sample<br />

partial autocorrelation at lag m as defined in Section 3.2.3.<br />

Now, we already know from Example 3.2.6 that for an AR(p), process the partial<br />

autocorrelations φmm, m>p, are zero. By the result of the previous paragraph,<br />

if an AR(p) model is appropriate for the data, then the values ˆφkk, k>p, should<br />

be compatible with observations from the distribution N(0, 1/n). In particular,<br />

for k>p, ˆφkk will fall between the bounds ±1.96n−1/2 with probability close to<br />

0.95. This suggests using as a preliminary estimator of p the smallest value m<br />

such that <br />

ˆφkk<br />

−1/2 < 1.96n for k>m.<br />

The program ITSM plots the sample PACF ˆφmm,m 1, 2,... together with<br />

the bounds ±1.96/ √ n. From this graph it is easy to read off the preliminary<br />

estimator of p defined above.<br />

• A more systematic approach to order selection is to find the values of p and φp<br />

that minimize the AICC statistic (see Section 5.5.2 below)<br />

AICC −2lnL(φp,S(φp)/n) + 2(p + 1)n/(n − p − 2),

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