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Springer - Read

Springer - Read


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266 Chapter 8 State-Space Models<br />

To express the local linear trend model in state-space form we introduce the state<br />

vector<br />

Xt (Mt,Bt) ′ .<br />

Then (8.2.4) and (8.2.5) can be written in the equivalent form<br />

<br />

Xt+1 <br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Xt + Vt, t 1, 2,..., (8.2.6)<br />

where Vt (Vt,Ut) ′ . The process {Yt} is then determined by the observation equation<br />

Yt [1 0] Xt + Wt. (8.2.7)<br />

If {X1,U1,V1,W1,U2,V2,W2,...} is an uncorrelated sequence, then equations (8.2.6)<br />

and (8.2.7) constitute a state-space representation of the process {Yt}, which is a<br />

model for data with randomly varying trend and added noise. For this model we have<br />

v 2, w 1,<br />

<br />

F <br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

, G [1 0], Q <br />

Example 8.2.2 A seasonal series with noise<br />

<br />

σ 2<br />

v<br />

0<br />

0 σ 2<br />

u<br />

<br />

, and R σ 2<br />

w .<br />

The classical decomposition (1.5.11) expressed the time series {Xt} as a sum of<br />

trend, seasonal, and noise components. The seasonal component (with period d)was<br />

a sequence {st} with the properties st+d st and d t1 st 0. Such a sequence can<br />

be generated, for any values of s1,s0,...,s−d+3, by means of the recursions<br />

st+1 −st −···−st−d+2, t 1, 2,.... (8.2.8)<br />

A somewhat more general seasonal component {Yt}, allowing for random deviations<br />

from strict periodicity, is obtained by adding a term St to the right side of (8.2.8),<br />

where {Vt} is white noise with mean zero. This leads to the recursion relations<br />

Yt+1 −Yt −···−Yt−d+2 + St, t 1, 2,.... (8.2.9)<br />

To find a state-space representation for {Yt} we introduce the (d − 1)-dimensional<br />

state vector<br />

Xt (Yt,Yt−1,...,Yt−d+2) ′ .<br />

The series {Yt} is then given by the observation equation<br />

Yt [1 0 0 ··· 0] Xt, t 1, 2,..., (8.2.10)<br />

where {Xt} satisfies the state equation<br />

Xt+1 F Xt + Vt, t 1, 2 ..., (8.2.11)

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