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7.6 Modeling and Forecasting with Multivariate AR Processes 247<br />

Maximization of the Gaussian likelihood is much more difficult in the multivariate<br />

than in the univariate case because of the potentially large number of parameters<br />

involved and the fact that it is not possible to compute the maximum likelihood estimator<br />

of independently of | as in the univariate case. In principle, maximum<br />

likelihood estimators can be computed with the aid of efficient nonlinear optimization<br />

algorithms, but it is important to begin the search with preliminary estimates that<br />

are reasonably close to the maximum. For pure AR processes good preliminary estimates<br />

can be obtained using Whittle’s algorithm or a multivariate version of Burg’s<br />

algorithm given by Jones (1978). We shall restrict our discussion here to the use of<br />

Whittle’s algorithm (the multivariate option AR-Model>Estimation>Yule-Walker<br />

in ITSM), but Jones’s multivariate version of Burg’s algorithm is also available<br />

(AR-Model>Estimation>Burg). Other useful algorithms can be found in Lütkepohl<br />

(1993), in particular the method of conditional least squares and the method of Hannan<br />

and Rissanen (1982), the latter being useful also for preliminary estimation in the<br />

more difficult problem of fitting ARMA(p, q) models with q>0. Spectral methods<br />

of estimation for multivariate ARMA processes are also frequently used. A discussion<br />

of these (as well as some time-domain methods) is given in Anderson (1980).<br />

Order selection for multivariate autoregressive models can be made by minimizing<br />

a multivariate analogue of the univariate AICC statistic<br />

AICC −2lnL(1,...,p,| ) + 2(pm2 + 1)nm<br />

nm − pm2 . (7.6.3)<br />

− 2<br />

7.6.1 Estimation for Autoregressive Processes Using Whittle’s Algorithm<br />

If {Xt} is the (causal) multivariate AR(p) process defined by the difference equations<br />

Xt 1Xt−1 +···+pXt−p + Zt, {Zt} ∼WN(0,| ), (7.6.4)<br />

then postmultiplying by X ′ t−j , j 0,...,p, and taking expectations gives the equa-<br />

tions<br />

and<br />

| Ɣ(0) −<br />

Ɣ(i) <br />

p<br />

jƔ(−j) (7.6.5)<br />

j1<br />

n<br />

jƔ(i − j), i 1,...,p. (7.6.6)<br />

j1<br />

Given the matrices Ɣ(0),...,Ɣ(p), equations (7.6.6) can be used to determine the coefficient<br />

matrices 1,...,p. The white noise covariance matrix | can then be found<br />

from (7.6.5). The solution of these equations for 1,...,p, and | is identical to the<br />

solution of (7.5.6) and (7.5.7) for the prediction coefficient matrices p1,...,pp<br />

and the corresponding prediction error covariance matrix Vp. Consequently, Whittle’s<br />

algorithm can be used to carry out the algebra.

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