Bir adam kendisine çocuk veren kadından ayrılmak isterse ... - MÜZE

Bir adam kendisine çocuk veren kadından ayrılmak isterse ... - MÜZE

Bir adam kendisine çocuk veren kadından ayrılmak isterse ... - MÜZE


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Sümer Atasözleri<br />

• Zamanını boşa geçirdin ne işe yaradı?<br />

• Madem ki biliyorsun, neden öğretmiyorsun?<br />

• Çok yiyen uyuyamaz.<br />

• Açık ağıza sinek girer.<br />

• Kalpte olan düşmanlık getirmez, dildir düşman eden.<br />

• <strong>Bir</strong> kez yalan söylersen, doğruyu söylesen de inanılmaz.<br />

• Yürürken ayağını sıkı bas.<br />

• Arkadaşlık bir gün sürer, akrabalık sona dektir.<br />

• İyi giyinen kimsenin önünde herkes eğilir.<br />

• Köpeksiz köyde tilki bekçidir.<br />

• Gümüşü olan mutlu olabilir, arpası olan mutlu olabilir, hiçbir<br />

şeyi olmayan rahat uyur.<br />

• Bey gibi yaparsan köle gibi yaşarsın, köle gibi yaparsan bey gibi<br />

yaşarsın.<br />

• Baharatın hiçbiri kadın kadar güzel kokmaz.<br />

• Öleceğiz harcayalım, uzun yaşayacağız biriktirelim.<br />

Sumer Proverbs<br />

• You wasted time in idleness, what purpose did you serve?<br />

• Since you claim having knowledge, why don’t you teach?<br />

• The one who eats much cannot sleep.<br />

• Fly enters open mouth.<br />

• Feelings of the heart do not cause hostility; it is the tongue<br />

that provokes animosity.<br />

• Once you lie, you will no longer be trusted even when you tell the<br />

truth.<br />

• Step firm when you walk.<br />

• Friendship lasts one day, blood kinship is forever.<br />

• Everyone respects the one who dresses well.<br />

• Fox keeps guard in village without watchdog.<br />

• The one who owns silver, the one who has barley can be happy, but<br />

the one who has nothing sleeps well.<br />

• You will live like a slave if you act like a lord, you will live like a lord<br />

if you act like a slave.<br />

• No spice on earth smells as good as the scent of a woman.<br />

• We will die, so let us spend; we will live long-time, so let us save.<br />

60 minutes, one minute consisting of 60 seconds and a circle<br />

consisting of 360 degrees. They invented the first models in geometry<br />

and algebra considered the fundaments of modern day<br />

mathematics. They dealt with mathematics, astronomy and<br />

astrology. We continue today to use the same zodiac signs as<br />

they did. The original five planets known until Kepler found<br />

the other ones were discovered by the Sumerians.”<br />

<strong>MÜZE</strong> DERGİ: Are there Sumerian vestiges in Anatolia?<br />

MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ: “No, they never came up to Anatolia.”<br />

<strong>MÜZE</strong> DERGİ: How did you come about to be interested<br />

in Sumerology?<br />

MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ: “I and my friend, we were two<br />

happy teachers working in a beautiful place like Eskişehir,<br />

but both of us were daredevils! As soon as the Faculty of<br />

Language, History and Geography was established in Ankara,<br />

both girls, we went there and applied to be enrolled<br />

as students. I wanted the French language department,<br />

but it was full and I had to choose another department...”<br />

<strong>MÜZE</strong> DERGİ: Sometimes coincidence yields very good results...<br />

MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ: “Yes, it is true; there were many happy coincidences<br />

in my life. Two young girls, we are in Ankara in the middle of<br />

February, it is cold and we stay in a room without heating, without light,<br />

trying to survive with little money, sharing one meal between us. Three<br />

months later, we are accepted as boarders, so that we became full time<br />

students. Following graduation, I went to work at the museum from 1940<br />

onwards where I spent fruitful years for my research in Sumerian studies.<br />

<strong>MÜZE</strong> DERGİ: How did your career evolve?<br />

MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ: “Tablets had been unearthed and brought to the<br />

museum. Highly qualified professors were our mentors. We started to work<br />

on the tablets under their supervision. Together with my friend and colleague<br />

Hatice Kızıl, we decided that the tablets had to be catalogued and<br />

archived and that we had to complete that work until the day of our retirement.<br />

Following my retirement in 1972, I continued to work at home. I wrote<br />

18 books.”<br />

<strong>MÜZE</strong> DERGİ: Is there a new book under preparation?<br />

MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ: “I am in the process of preparing a book on the<br />

kinships between civilizations. My conclusion in this respect is that the<br />

Sumerians were a branch of the Turks, which is the only possible explanation!<br />

Turks existed before but were dispersed due to the great deluge. There<br />

were major floods in Central Asia. The plain where Turks used to live was<br />

inundated to form the Aral Lake, which in turn flowed into the Caspian Sea;<br />

and The Caspian Sea overflowed all the way to Eastern Anatolia. The deluge<br />

episode is accounted for in Turkish as well as Sumerians sources, Sumeri-

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