NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1983, No. 43, $3.50 Making ... - Wood Tools

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1983, No. 43, $3.50 Making ... - Wood Tools

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1983, No. 43, $3.50 Making ... - Wood Tools


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An n wer to breathing dust<br />

I<br />

Turning trOpiCal woods, fossihzed wal­ goggles. The helmet has several adjustru<br />

tusks, soap tone and amber was a ments for proper fit. The battety pack<br />

health hazard in my shop. olving the and pump are light and behind you, out<br />

problem has been quite a challenge. of the way. The hum of the pump isn't<br />

1m<br />

My flrst step was to set up an exhaust a problem; after a couple of minutes it<br />

sy t m built out of part from an old seems to go away. also wear a lab coat<br />

-fmisher (a shoe repair bar). These now, so all dust is left in the shop.<br />

machines are outdated in the hoe in­ In my opinion, here are the positive<br />

dustry and can be picked up relatively aspects of the Airhat:<br />

cheap: $100 to $200. They have a great -It provides total face protection, even<br />

6-m. exhaust system built in. I canni­ If you wear a beard, and partial head<br />

balIzed th one from our machine, and protection from "fly-off. "<br />

hooked it up to a 1Y:;-HP motor and -There's no facial pressure or sweat as<br />

6-in. tovepipe. ThIS handled most of with a respirator-and-goggle combina­<br />

the du t from m lathe, but some left tion; it's actually cool and pleasantly<br />

the force field, especially during power­ breezy inside.<br />

sandmg 0 I experimented with a box, -I've had no fogging problem.<br />

shown m tIle drawing, that totally en­ -It provides dust protection in shop<br />

clo ed the headstock, the tool rest and areas that don't have exhaust.<br />

the pIece, yet till allowed work on the -Talking is easier than in a dust mask.<br />

piece. For most turning, the box, in -It doesn't interfere with large ear pro-<br />

conjunCtion with the line-shaft exhaust tector or eyeglasses.<br />

sy tern, worked. There are some draw­ -It's been easy to maintain and clean.<br />

backs: however You need several sizes -You feel secure and healthy inside it.<br />

for different scale work,<br />

I<br />

power · anding<br />

is possible only awkwardly through the<br />

top, vision I limited, and the setup<br />

lows you<br />

I<br />

down. Also, for turning soaptone<br />

(with ltS high asbestos content)<br />

and fossilized walru tusk (which I'm<br />

highly allergiC to), n ed d more<br />

at<br />

protect<br />

on- .J could still<br />

Ho<br />

see small amounts<br />

of dust escaping. The lathe box is close<br />

to what need,<br />

I<br />

and I regard it as a<br />

must, so I'm till trying 0 improve<br />

San<br />

it.<br />

Meanwhile, sought advice hrough<br />

the occupational safety program<br />

Francisco eneral Pltal. For only<br />

$15. a team of experts, both medical Dust-free and breezy inside his 3M Airhat,<br />

Htmter turns a bowl in the dust­<br />

and industrial, spent an evening di cusscollection<br />

box drawn below.<br />

mg my problem with me. Two weeks<br />

later I receIved a package of safety information,<br />

mcluding specs on the 3M Airhat,<br />

mentioned in the article "Respiratory<br />

Hazards" in FWW # 4l.<br />

o be absolutely assured with this<br />

system, you ha e to get a licensed industrial<br />

safety engineer to come and test<br />

the particulate content of your shop.<br />

The co t of such a test was almost the<br />

co of the $400 Airhat, so I took the<br />

no allergic<br />

reactlon hen "'orkmg walrus 'voty, I<br />

would<br />

T<br />

be adequately protected against<br />

other ubstance as well.<br />

e Irhat include a protective<br />

Lexan face shield. a beard collar, an air<br />

I 100/ 10 hose, and a battety and fllter pump you<br />

Lee Hov<br />

// wear on your belt. In conjunCtlon with<br />

my lathe box<br />

all.<br />

Tool<br />

and exhaust system it<br />

Flexible plastic hood<br />

works great. I had no allergic reaction to<br />

,'�w' '"e" ,"00<br />

work through 1 !/2-in. slot.<br />

walru tusk t I have found the system<br />

a comfor able a a face shield, and<br />

pr fer i t a dual-filter respirator and<br />

Drawmg:<br />

69<br />

I chru ce, figuring t If had<br />

��-�<br />

Slots in bottom and headstock end allow box to be<br />

repositioned for close work on various size stock.<br />

Working materials like the ivory of this<br />

41h-in. dia. bowl requires special attention<br />

to dust collection.<br />

Here are the negative aspects:<br />

-It costs $400.<br />

-Its batteries need to be charged for 12<br />

to 16 hours after every 8 hours of operation.<br />

You'll damage them if you "top<br />

off ' the charge frequently. An<br />

extra<br />

battery can be ordered, but this still requires<br />

orderly attention.<br />

-It takes longer to put on and take off<br />

than other respirators, and it's tough to<br />

train yourself to use it all the time.<br />

-You sound weird on the phone.<br />

-Shop partners have a tough time taking<br />

you seriously.<br />

I highly recommend the Airhat in<br />

conjunction with some form of shop exhaust<br />

system. I've had no experience<br />

in a totally dust-filled room using only<br />

an Airhat. -W.H.<br />

Plexiglas top,<br />

hinged with tape<br />

6-in. diameter<br />

exhaust pipe<br />

in box back<br />

D'� 61&·<br />

Q Q/: QArnlO<br />

-8.t..Q. 1<br />

rest<br />

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••• headstock plate :::::: plate<br />

...... 00. plate<br />

Front<br />

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