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half-lives, 183<br />

imagery, 9<br />

military cartoons, 197<br />

soldier, 196<br />

and war, 9<br />

Czech Republic, 25-26<br />

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects<br />

Agency), claimed Strategic Computing<br />

Program success, 55. See also ARPA<br />

da Vinci, Leonardo, 232<br />

Davy, Sir Humphrey, 73<br />

DeLanda, Manuel, 263n. 4<br />

Deluze, Gilles, and Guattari, Felix, 168, 259<br />

guerrilla war, 173<br />

Denial, politics of, 9, 10<br />

Derrida, Jacques, 262n. 5<br />

Descartes, Rene, 70<br />

Deterrence, 150<br />

Dickson, David, 230<br />

Dickson, Paul, 152, 164<br />

Digital realism, 73<br />

Dinnerstein, Dorothy, 102, 103<br />

Discourse<br />

analytic technique, 96<br />

gendering of, 80-81<br />

and life, 184<br />

nuclear strategic, 101-103<br />

systems analysis community, 95<br />

Vietnam War, 161,256-257<br />

war, 97, 99, 178<br />

changing, 255-256<br />

contemporary, 257<br />

Western, 259<br />

Dismantling the Cold War Economy, 263n. 5<br />

Disney, Walt Incorporated, 132-133<br />

Dixon, Norman, 100<br />

Donne, John, 237<br />

Donovan, Col. James, 239<br />

Douhet, Guilio, 130<br />

Downloading, 72<br />

Drones. See RPV<br />

Drugs. See War, drug<br />

Druzhinin, V. V, and Kontorov, D. S., 195<br />

Dyson, Freeman, 131, 145<br />

Eastport Study Group, 184<br />

Edison, Thomas, 238<br />

Edwards, Paul, 71, 72, 27On. 7<br />

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 127, 195, 252<br />

Einstein, Albert, 232<br />

Eisenhower, Pres. Dwight D., 147, 174, 239,<br />

271n. 1<br />

Ekstein, Modris, 120-121<br />

The Electronic Battlefield, 164-165<br />

Eliade, Mircea, 269n. 4<br />

Ellis, John, 126-127<br />

Ellsberg, Daniel, 159, 162, 166-167<br />

Emerson, Gloria, 175<br />

Emotional-rational distinction, 260<br />

balance and technology, 254<br />

Index [ 307 ]<br />

Emotions, of war, 101, 247-248, 249-250<br />

Enemy, role in war, 97<br />

Enigma computer, 144<br />

Enloe, Cynthia, 100, 246<br />

Enthoven, Alain, 159<br />

Epistemophilia, 104, 183<br />

Ecological Imperialism, 269n. 3<br />

Expert systems. See AI<br />

The Face of Battle, 251<br />

Falk,Jim253<br />

Fallows, James, 101,259-260<br />

Faludi, Susan, 55<br />

Federation of Atomic Scientists (FAS), 232<br />

Fen-ill, Arthur, 107-108, 269n. 1<br />

Feyerabend, Paul, 230<br />

Firebombing. See Strategic bombing<br />

Flight 655, 66-69. See also Aegis<br />

Hood, Merrill, 27In. 12<br />

Fordism, 118<br />

Forces of Production, 119<br />

Forrest, Nathan B. 116<br />

Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 39<br />

Foucault, Michel, 104, 241, 244, 258-259, 261.<br />

See also Knowledge(s)<br />

genealogy, 98<br />

politics of war, 37-38<br />

power/knowledge, 97-98<br />

subjugated knowledges, insurrection, 256<br />

Franco-Prussian War, 120<br />

Franklin, Benjamin, 238<br />

Franklin, Bruce, 132-133<br />

Friction in war, 94- See also Clausewitz, Carl von<br />

From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and<br />

Death, 234-235<br />

Frye, Northrup, 96<br />

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 238<br />

Fuller, Maj. Gen. J.F.C, 107<br />

Fulton, Robert, 238<br />

Futurology, U.S. military, 212-213<br />

Gabriel, Richard, 207-208<br />

Gadhafi, Mu'ammar, 60, 268n. 9<br />

Galbraith, Kenneth, 13<br />

Garwood, E. R., 141<br />

Games. See also War, games<br />

discourse, 81<br />

Vietnam War, 162-163<br />

Geertz, Clifford, 182<br />

Genealogy defined, 98<br />

Gender. See also Masculinity; Women<br />

and bodies, 246<br />

cyborg, 175<br />

male, reactionary, 123-124<br />

nature, 80<br />

and science, 246<br />

and war, 100-105, 246<br />

Gulf War, 42<br />

postmodern, 99<br />

of soldiers, ambiguous, 247<br />

Vietnam War, 175

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