dep art amento de conser v ación y - Fundación César Manrique

dep art amento de conser v ación y - Fundación César Manrique

dep art amento de conser v ación y - Fundación César Manrique


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E N G L I S H V E R S I O N<br />

Other activities<br />

<strong>César</strong> <strong>Manrique</strong><br />

in the Foundation<br />

Programme<br />

with the foundation’s Art-Nature line of temporary<br />

exhibitions and the Resi<strong>de</strong>nce-workshop. Resi<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>art</strong>ists<br />

programme.<br />

This year the resi<strong>de</strong>nt was Madrilenian <strong>art</strong>ist Miguel Ángel<br />

Blanco, who travelled to Lanzarote on 16 June and remained<br />

on the island until the 29 th of that month, working at Corona<br />

Volcano, the Famara cliffs, the Mala coast, Caletón Blanco and<br />

Quemadas.<br />

In 2003 the <strong><strong>de</strong>p</strong><strong>art</strong>ment drafted reports on the state of <strong>César</strong><br />

<strong>Manrique</strong>’s murals and two paintings owned by the Meliá<br />

Salinas Hotel. Reports were also drawn up on the park<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed by the <strong>art</strong>ist on the grounds outsi<strong>de</strong> the Island<br />

Hospital at Arrecife.<br />

D E P A R T A M E N T O<br />

Visita <strong>de</strong> escolares<br />

al programa<br />

<strong>César</strong> <strong>Manrique</strong><br />

en la Fund<strong>ación</strong><br />



The Education Dep<strong>art</strong>ment is a bridge<br />

connecting FCM’s museum and<br />

environmental activities, the visitors to its<br />

museum and the school community.<br />

One of its main objectives is to interest the school-age<br />

population in contemporary <strong>art</strong> and the specificity of its<br />

materials and language, as well as to enhance their sensitivity<br />

to the concepts of plastic <strong>art</strong>. It also attempts to foster new<br />

social behaviour with respect to the environment and<br />

encourage aesthetic respect for environmental initiatives<br />

through educational programmes. Finally, it facilitates<br />

teachers’ work by providing teaching aids and affords<br />

opportunities for encounters, reflection and analysis.<br />

In 2003 the Dep<strong>art</strong>ment continued to promote the<br />

educational role of exhibition visits. It also maintained its<br />

<strong>César</strong> <strong>Manrique</strong> in the Foundation and <strong>César</strong> <strong>Manrique</strong>. Public<br />

oeuvre programmes, in which over 37,000 pupils and 2,800<br />

teachers have now p<strong>art</strong>icipated.<br />

The primary aim of this educational programme sponsored by<br />

the FCM is to facilitate pupils’ and teachers’ comprehension of<br />

<strong>César</strong> <strong>Manrique</strong>’s thinking and work, and enhance their<br />

sensitivity to contemporary <strong>art</strong> and the environmental<br />

proposals so central to the <strong>art</strong>ist’s oeuvre. The foundation’s<br />

142<br />

E l Dep<strong>art</strong><strong>amento</strong> Pedagógico se<br />

constituye como puente entre las activida<strong>de</strong>s museísticas<br />

y medioambienntales <strong>de</strong> la FCM, los visitantes<br />

<strong>de</strong>l museo y la comunidad escolar.<br />

Uno <strong>de</strong> los principales objetivoss es interesar a<br />

la pobl<strong>ación</strong> escolar en el <strong>art</strong>e contemporáneo y la<br />

especificidad <strong>de</strong> sus mate -<br />

rialess y lenguajes, así como<br />

profundizar en la sensibilid<br />

a d a n t e l o s c o n c e p t o s<br />

plásticos. Preten<strong>de</strong>, iguaal -<br />

m e n t e , p r o m o v e r n u e v a s<br />

conductas sociales hacia el<br />

entorno y animar al respeto<br />

estético en las inntervenciones<br />

ambientales, a través <strong>de</strong><br />

sus programas didácticos.<br />

Finalmente, facilita la labor <strong>de</strong>l profesorado proporcionándole<br />

materiales didácticos y propiciando<br />

el encuentro, la reflexión y el aanálisis.<br />

Durante el ano 2003, este Dep<strong>art</strong><strong>amento</strong> ha<br />

continuado con el fomento <strong>de</strong>l papel educativo <strong>de</strong><br />

llas visitas a las exposiciones. Asimismo, ha mantenido<br />

los programas CCééssaarr MMaannrriiqquuee eenn llaa FFuunnddaa-cciióónn<br />

y CCééssaarr MMaannrriiqquuee.. OObbrraa PPúúbblliiccaa, en los que<br />

se ha trabajado ya con cerca <strong>de</strong> 37.000 alumnos y<br />

2.800 profesores.<br />


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