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Conférences Servier - GRSNC - Université de Montréal

Conférences Servier - GRSNC - Université de Montréal


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80. Men<strong>de</strong>z, A., Bourque, M.-J. et Tru<strong>de</strong>au, L.-E. Étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'expression <strong>de</strong>stransporteurs vésiculaires du glutamate dans les neurones dopaminergiques.Journée <strong>de</strong> la Recherche du Département <strong>de</strong> Pharmacologie, Université <strong>de</strong>Montréal, 200681. Men<strong>de</strong>z, J. A., Bourque, M.-J. et Tru<strong>de</strong>au, L.-E. I<strong>de</strong>ntification and localization ofsynaptotagmin isoforms in dopamine neurons: possible implication insomato<strong>de</strong>ndritic dopamine release. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA,Abstract #337.1., 200682. Ollivier, M. L., Emond, M. P., Lema, P. et Carmant, L. The Role of MetabotropicGlutamate Receptors in Neurogenesis. American Epilepsy Society meeting, SanDiego, 200683. Parent, M. et Descarries, L. The acetylcholine (ACh) innervation of adult ratthalamus: a quantitative, light and electron microscopic immunocyto-chemicalstudy. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Abstract Viewer/ItineraryPlanner, 200684. Pelkey, K. A., Toponik, L., Lacaille, J.-C. et McBain, C. J. State-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntcAMP sensitivity of feedforward inhibition in the hippocampal mossy fiberpathway. Society for Neuroscience, Abstracts, Program No. 38.10,200685. Pernet, V., Bourgeois, P. et Di Polo, A. Polyamines exacerbate excitotoxic <strong>de</strong>athof adult retinal ganglion cells in vivo. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (ARVOSupp.), 200686. Piché, M., Arsenault, M. et Rainville, P. Measurement of the nociceptive flexionreflex and the associated skin conductance response in fMRI studies of pain.Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta Ga, 200687. Ren, X., Chang, S., Auclair, F., Dubuc, R. et Zielinski, B. Spatially distinctsensory input to medial olfactory bulb glomeruli and output projections into thehabenula and ventral thalamus in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. AChemS28th Annual Meeting, 200688. Ren, X., Chang, S., Auclair, F., Dubuc, R. et Zielinski, B. The input and output ofmedial glomeruli in the olfactory bulb in the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus.Soc. Neurosci, 200689. Riad, M. et L., D. Chronic treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) results inreplacement of functional plasma membrane 5-HT1A autoreceptors by<strong>de</strong>sensitized receptors in nucleus raphe dorsalis of rat. FENS Forum, Vienna,Austria, 2006Page 116

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