Conférences Servier - GRSNC - Université de Montréal

Conférences Servier - GRSNC - Université de Montréal

Conférences Servier - GRSNC - Université de Montréal


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SMITH, Allan M. SMITH, Allan M.Tél. bureau: (514) 343-6353Physiologie(514) 343-6111 ext. 3304 Université <strong>de</strong> MontréalC.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal (Québec)Fax: (514) 343-2111 Canada H3C 3J7URL site WWW:E-Mail: allan.smith@umontreal.caURL personnel CV:Statut universitaire / University statusProfesseur titulairePhysiologieFaculté <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cineUniversité <strong>de</strong> MontréalAppartenance à d'autres groupes / Affiliation with other groupsMembre du Groupe d'IRSC en sciences neurologiques, Université <strong>de</strong> MontréalMembre du Groupe <strong>de</strong> recherche sur le système nerveux central (<strong>GRSNC</strong>)Haptics Laboratory, Center for Intelligent Machine, Electrical Engineering, McGill UniversityInstitut d'éducation physique et <strong>de</strong> réadaptation, Université catholique <strong>de</strong> LouvainFormation / TrainingB.A., Colby College, Psychologie, 1964Stagiaire, Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Main, Génétique <strong>de</strong>s mammifères, 1964-1966M.Sc. (Appl), Université McGill, Psychologie clinique, 1966Ph.D., Université McGill, Psychophysiologie, 1969Postdoctorale, Inst. <strong>de</strong> neurophysiologie & psychophysiologie, Marseille, Neurophysiologie, 1970-1972Postdoctorale, Institut fur Hirnforschung, Zurich, Neurophysiologie, 1973-1975Orientation <strong>de</strong> la recherche•Contrôle sensorimoteur <strong>de</strong>s mouvements <strong>de</strong> préhension•Contrôle <strong>de</strong>s mouvements exploratoires tactiles <strong>de</strong> la main•Enregistrement <strong>de</strong>s neurones du cortex cérébral chez le singe•Étu<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> l’anatomie et physiologie <strong>de</strong>s récepteurs cutanés <strong>de</strong> la mainPrincipaux projets en cours:•Étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la force tangentielle pendant la préhension sur l’activité neuronale dans le cortex sensoriel et moteur chez le singe•Étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la force tangentielle pendant l’exploration tactile sur l’activité neuronale dans le cortex sensoriel et moteur chez le singe•Étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la manipulation <strong>de</strong>s objets en microgravité•Étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la perception <strong>de</strong> forme par la modulations <strong>de</strong> forces latérales.Research orientation• Sensorimotor control of prehensile movements• Sensorimotor control of tactile exploratory movements• Recoding neurons in the cerebral cortex of monkeysCurrent research projects:• Study of tangential forces during prehension on the neuronal activity in the sensory and motor cortex of the monkey• Study of tangential forces during tactile exploration on the neuronal activity in the sensory and motor cortex of the monkey• Study of object manipulation in microgravity• Study of form perception by modulation of tangential forces.Publications choisies/Selected publicationsSalimi, I., Brochier, T., and Smith, A. M. Neuronal activity in somatosensory cortex of monkeys during object manipulation using a precision grip. I.Receptive fields, discharge patterns and responses to object textures and weights. J.Neurophysiol. 81: 825-834, 1999.Salimi, I., Brochier, T., and Smith, A. M. Neuronal activity in somatosensory cortex of monkeys during object manipulation using a precision grip. III.Responses to changes in friction and force-pulse perturbations. J.Neurophysiol. 81: 845-857, 1999.Smith, A. M., Chapman, C. E., Deslan<strong>de</strong>s, M., Langlais, J-S., and Thibo<strong>de</strong>au, M-P. The role of friction and tangential force in the subjective scaling oftactile roughness. Exp. Brain Res., 144, 211-223, 2001.Paré, M., Smith, A. M., and Rice, F. L. Distribution and terminal arborizations of cutaneous mechanoreceptors in the glabrous finger pad of the monkey.J.Comp Neurol. 445: 347-359, 2002.Monzée, J., Lamarre, Y., and Smith, A. M. The effects of digital anesthesia on force control in a precision grip. J.Neurophysiol., 89: 672-683, 2003.Augurelle, A-S., Smith, A. M., Lejeune, T., and Thonnard, J-L. Importance of cutaneous feedback in maintaining the safety margin during the manipulationof hand-held objects. J.Neurophysiol., 89: 665-671, 2003.Witney, A.G., Wing,A., Thonnard,J-L., and Smith, A.M. The cutaneous contribution to adaptive precision grip. TINS, 27, 637-643, 2004.Page 47

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