26.08.2013 Aufrufe

West Papua - Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen

West Papua - Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen

West Papua - Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen


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Materialien für den Gottesdienst<br />

For all those who believe, it is a promise God<br />

has given to us. Will all those who believe remain<br />

true in prayer? Will they pray – and we together<br />

with them - for the coming of God’s kingdom<br />

(Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2) and for the second<br />

coming of Christ (1 Corinthians 16:22; Revelation<br />

22:17, 20)? Jesus accomplishes His work of<br />

salvation in and with those who believe in Him.<br />

They are the body, Jesus is the head. Jesus does<br />

the work which is given to Him. But what’s about<br />

those who believe? Are they true and faithful in<br />

prayer? Will He find true and firm believe when<br />

He returns?<br />

So one could say, concerning prayer, the persistent<br />

widow is an image of church and community<br />

[15]. Those who follow Jesus are suppressed<br />

in this world; they have no place to complain.<br />

They can just apply to God. They wait for God<br />

to intervene, they pray full of hope as they know<br />

Hakim yang Tidak Benar<br />

Lukas 18:1-8<br />

(by: Rev.Betty Sarewo-Nanlohy) 1<br />

Saudara dan saudari,<br />

Perumpamaan tentang hakim yang tidak benar<br />

ini juga dikenal sebagai perumpamaan tentang<br />

cerita seorang wanita yang gigih. Perumpamaan<br />

ini merupakan rekan dari perumpamaan tentang<br />

sahabat di tengah malam (Lukas 11:5-8). Lukas<br />

menghadirkan dua perumpamaan ini sebagai<br />

cerita yang mirip satu sama lain: yang satu mengenai<br />

seorang laki-laki, dan perumpamaan yang<br />

lain tentang seorang wanita. (Perumpamaan ini<br />

hanya terdapat di dalam Injil Lukas.) Meskipun<br />

isi dari perumpamaan ini sepertinya lepas dari<br />

konteks, namun bagian akhir, yang menyatakan:<br />

„Akan tetapi, jika Anak Manusia itu datang, ada-<br />

1 Khotbat ini saya sampaikan saat puncak perayaan hari Ham Internasional tanggal 10 December 2010 di halaman gedung<br />

Majelis Rakyat <strong>Papua</strong> (MRP). Setelah Koalisi Perempuan <strong>Papua</strong> melakukan 16 hari kampanye Anti kekerasan terhadap Perempuan<br />

(25 Nov – 10 Dec). Kegiatan ini menyoroti khusus tentang masalah kekerasan yang dialami kaum perempuan <strong>Papua</strong>,<br />

diantara begitu banyak masalah pelanggaran HAM di Tanah <strong>Papua</strong>.<br />

40<br />

gottesdienst 2011<br />

that God will hear their pleas and prayers. Therefore<br />

the tenacity of the man, who asks his friend<br />

for bread at midnight, and the tenacity of the widow,<br />

who bothers the judge, are both a picture of<br />

community. Both don’t know to whom else they<br />

should apply. They know that their pleas will be<br />

heard if they persist.<br />

With this parable Jesus instructs his followers to<br />

be faithful, even if they have to wait for a long<br />

time until he will come back. The souls of those<br />

who had been slain because of the word of God<br />

are calling, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and<br />

true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth<br />

and avenge our blood?”(Revelation 6:10). The<br />

answer they get is: Wait a little longer until the<br />

number of the fellow servants and brothers and<br />

sisters who were to be called is completed. May<br />

God help us.<br />

Amen.<br />

kah Ia mendapati iman di bumi?“ (18:8), menghubungkan<br />

perumpamaan ini dengan pengajaran<br />

eskatologis dari pasal sebelumnya. Tambahan<br />

pula, subjek tentang doa muncul di dalam perumpamaan<br />

berikutnya, yaitu tentang orang Farisi<br />

dengan pemungut cukai (Lukas 18:9-14).<br />

gerechte gemeinschaft <strong>von</strong> männern und frauen

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