08.02.2014 Aufrufe

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool


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4 - A 4<br />

Abkürzungen<br />

<strong>BesAnMil<strong>FS</strong></strong> 6-<strong>100</strong><br />

AES - aircraft earth station<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

AEW - airborne early warning<br />

AFC - area forecast centre<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

AFC - automatic frequency control<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

AFCS - automatic flight control system<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

AFIL - air-filed flight plan<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

AFIS - aerodrome flight information service<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

afld - airfield<br />

Flugplatz (NATO)<br />

AFLS - approach flash lighting system<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

AFM - yes / affirm / affirmative / that is correct<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

A<strong>FS</strong> - aeronautical fixed service<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

A<strong>FS</strong>Bw - Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr<br />

AFT - after... (time or place)<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

AFTN - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network<br />

(ICAO Doc 9713)<br />

A/G - air-to-ground<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

AGA - aerodromes, air routes and ground aids<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

01.01.2000<br />


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