08.02.2014 Aufrufe

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool

Änderungsanweisung Nr. 3 zur BesAnMilFS 6-100 FS ... - Lexicool


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<strong>BesAnMil<strong>FS</strong></strong> 6-<strong>100</strong> Abkürzungen<br />

4 - H 1<br />

H<br />

HAA - height above airport elevation<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

HAFEZ - hostile aircraft free engagementzone<br />

HAL - height above landing area elevation<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

HAR - height above runway<br />

HAT - height above touchdown zone elevation<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

HAS - height above the surface<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

HBN - hazard beacon<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

HDD - headdown display<br />

HDG - heading<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

HEAD - flights with head of state status (CFMU)<br />

(A<strong>FS</strong>Bw/D<strong>FS</strong>)<br />

HEL - helicopter<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

HF - high frequency (3 000 to 30 000 kHz)<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

HGT - height / height above<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

HIRL - high intensity runway lights<br />

(APATC-1 A)<br />

HIRTA - high intensity radio transmission area<br />

(A<strong>FS</strong>Bw/D<strong>FS</strong>)<br />

HJ - sunrise to sunset<br />

(ICAO Doc 8400/4)<br />

A<strong>FS</strong>Bw<br />


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