03.05.2014 Aufrufe

Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt ...

Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt ...

Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt ...


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Pattern Poems<br />

Writing your own poems<br />

1. Acrostics:<br />

The first letters of the lines make a word (= the title or topic of the poem).<br />

<br />

White<br />

Ice<br />

New Year’s Eve<br />

Toys<br />

Exciting<br />

Reindeer<br />

<br />

White snow and cold<br />

Ice covering the fields on<br />

New Year’s Eve, children playing with their<br />

Toys and dreaming of<br />

Exciting adventures and<br />

Reindeer<br />

2. Colour poems:<br />

Write about your favourite colour. (The words written in bold italics must be used.)<br />

<br />

Blue looks like a bright summer sky.<br />

Blue so<strong>und</strong>s like a police car.<br />

Blue tastes like swimming pool water.<br />

Blue smells like new jeans.<br />

Blue feels like ice.<br />

Blue is a sad colour.<br />


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