13.11.2012 Aufrufe

SAK 99.indd - Umdasch - Shop Concept

SAK 99.indd - Umdasch - Shop Concept

SAK 99.indd - Umdasch - Shop Concept


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man klaren Spielregeln. „Bei Humanic ist der<br />

Ladenbau des Jahres 2010 zu sehen“ war an der<br />

Eröffnungspressekonferenz in Köln zu hören.<br />

Das hört man auch bei <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong><br />

New dimensions in the shoe trade<br />

Humanic arouses the senses<br />

The Graz-based Leder & Schuh AG has set new standards in the shoe<br />

trade within Europe with the opening in May 2005 of two “Humanic Show<br />

World” stores, each approx. 3,000 m² in size, at top addresses in Cologne<br />

and Vienna. One of the secrets of the success of the long-established<br />

company, which has an annual turnover of some 338 m Euros, is its avantgarde<br />

shop design, which arouses the senses with its uncompromisingly<br />

well-ordered shoe presentation. Author: Reinhard Peneder<br />

Nowadays, even a well-run and efficent shoe<br />

shop needs plenty of space. But 3,000 m²<br />

seem amazing, even to experts. “Thanks to the<br />

vast selection on display in Humanic shops the<br />

customer need no longer traipse round a succession<br />

of other shoe shops”, points out the Chairman<br />

of the Board Dr. Thomas P. Ridder when<br />

explaining the advantage for the customer of<br />

such a large display area. There is more to it than<br />

that, however: the concept behind all that space<br />

is clearly defined. To put it in a nutshell: in order<br />

to become the market leader in any given field, it<br />

is essential to have a certain number of designs<br />

on display. The number of designs on display<br />

multiplied by the presentation philosophy gives<br />

the sales area required. Alternatively, you can<br />

Immer wieder gibt es auch großzügige Flächen zum Verweilen<br />

und Anprobieren. There are always generous spaces where<br />

customers can wait and try on the shoes.<br />

gerne, denn das Unternehmen ist langjähriger<br />

Partner der Leder & Schuh-Gruppe und hat<br />

auch die Humanic-Projekte in Wien und Köln<br />

eingerichtet.<br />

begin your calculation with the size of the sales<br />

area available for the display. The result is a competence<br />

centre in shoe sales… However, the Humanic<br />

managers did not reveal to us exactly how<br />

they “cook and season” this particular recipe for<br />

success. What is clear, of course, is that only a<br />

small number of locations will be suitable for<br />

such large sales spaces which thereby acquire<br />

something of a flagship character.<br />

The shoe business thrives on competition<br />

Both new shoe stores are located in the vicinity<br />

of shops run by their direct competitors,<br />

but also in the neighbourhood of the top fashion<br />

addresses which actively encourage additional<br />


Das Markenportfolio von Leder<br />

& Schuh ist identisch mit den<br />

Tochtergesellschaften bzw.<br />

Geschäftsfeldern und umfasst<br />

Corti, Dominici, Humanic,<br />

Jello, Shoe 4 You und Top Schuh.<br />

Damit besteht von der Einstiegspreislage<br />

(Jello), über das<br />

klassische Schuhgeschäft (mit<br />

der Kernmarke Humanic) bis zum<br />

Luxussegment (Dominici) volle<br />

Marktabdeckung.<br />

Internetadressen:<br />

www.leder-schuh-ag.com<br />

www.shoemanic.com<br />

In der Kölner Schildergasse residiert Humanic an erster Adresse im illustren<br />

Umfeld von Mitbewerbern und führenden Modeanbietern. Humanic’s<br />

store in the Schildergasse in Cologne enjoys a first-class address surrounded<br />

by the prestigious shops of competitors and leading fashion names.<br />


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