12.07.2015 Aufrufe

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

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69I wish that the people in poorer countries got a better medical help. For us it's normal to gointo a well developed hospital and have a doctor who knows everything well. In manycountries the inhabitants even don't have a doctor. Some have to go to bigger countries just tobe examined.There are people who cannot walk straight only because they cannot pay for an operation orthey don't have a doctor who knows how to do it.I have a dream which is not demanding. I would like to have more love in our world. It's alittle wish and I think that many of us want this. With love you feel much better and if youfeel better life is easier for everybody. I don't want wars. I want peace. I think that the peoplewho are in a war go from bad to worse and they feel physically down. Many people die andthe children there do not have a good future. After a war the country is destroyed and it takesa lot of time to rebuild it and have it like before. A war also costs a lot of money and themoney the soldiers spend on the munition could be given to people who don't have anythingto eat or who need an education. I find it horrible how people don't think about thedisadvantages. I think that there are some people who just do what the others, thinking aboutit.I have a dream which would be great for our nature. We see how the weather is constantlychanging and everone is asking WHY, but all of us do things which are not good for the air.Many of us drive a car even though we know that it's not good! Everyone says that it's betterto use a bicycle or more public transport. So why do we do this?! We cannot changesomething only if we talk and talk about. We have to undertake something. I think it would begreat to have more organistaions which would support the climate and do something that allpeople use more public transport and maybe walk if they have to walk a few meters.I hope that people will realize that the way how people act cannot go on this way anymore wehave to do something otherwise we'll kill ourselves- not anybody else!Nora AndjelkovicI have a Dream!I am very proud to get the chance to talk to you about things that really need to be expressed.When I thought about my dreams for a better world, a lot of, for us as Western europeanpeople or Nothamerican people, unimaginable things came suddenly to my mind, that reallyhave to be changed.I have a dream there is no more hunger!At first I want to talk about Third World countries. Because there is a lot of need. Often thereason for this need are wars. During and after a war people become poor.Other reasons arenatural disasters or when the country has no resources. Now it is necessary that richercountries support these countries. But not only with money or food they send them, the mostimportant thing is to help them to bulid up a better economy. Th rich countries could aid thepoor countries by sending them machines and people who are able to show them how to workwith these machines. I think it is also a good idea to send them seeds.

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