12.07.2015 Aufrufe

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

LINK: Jahresbericht 2009/10 - Billroth73

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79After that tour, we went to see an old church; St. Michan's Church. And there I met the weirdest guyever!! He brought us downstairs, where old mummies were lying in their open coffins. And he told usstories about them, that one of the mummies has no feet, because they cut them off, because themummy was too large for the coffin. We could even shake hands with a crusader.It was so creepy, this guy was really perfect for that place. But I am not sure if he only played a role,or if he really was like that, I would believe it, if somebody told me.Well and after that, we had our free shopping afternoon. It was like sports, I walked down O'ConnellStreet four times!!I am afraid, that there is nothing left to say about that day.8 th DAYThe end is near! On our eighth day we made a second cliff walk, this time we took the Dart to Brayand walkedfrom there to Greystones. It was “only” walking. Iliked it nearly better than the first walk, because it was not sowarm. But the long walk was a good possibility to talk withfriends of mine about things I wanted to talk about a long time.It was also amazing to see some untouched nature , it is veryhard to find some places like that in our time, where everythinghas to be modern and strictly planted.I felt like the world around me was so true and untouched andreal that it was the most special thing in the world.In the evening we went to the AbbeyTheatre to see “Macbeth” by Shakespeare. It was very impressing, I aminterested in literature, I have also read Macbeth before, but in German. But Ihave not seen it in a theatre before . So I was very excited about our plan for theevening. And I did not expect too much, it was very good! It was dramatic,intensive, loud, real .There were two things that impressed me more than the rest: firstly the threewitches during the first scene were so much better than I had expected. And thenthe woman who played Lady Macbeth. Her hair was cut short and her face very“hard” and especially in the scene where Lady Macbeth helps to kill Duncan, sheplayed her role very well, I think.So that evening I had some experiences which were totally new for me! I am gladthat I got that chance, thank you!9 th DAYOur last really day in Ireland had come and we all wanted to enjoy that day so that we would have agood “ending” of our time in Ireland.That day we met again our guide Dennis, who went with us in our bus to see Glendalough.First we stopped at a small cemetery of German soldiers who died in the war and were buriedthere.Then we moved on by bus and stopped hours after at a small lake, just to look at the beauty ofuntouched nature.We moved on and arrived in Glendalough. It was very different to Newgrange.Newgrange was cool, but there was a really big tourist centre and I think thatwas so modern that it lost a lot of its beauty. But in Glendalough were lots oftrees, and nature. And Dennis told us that it was a village in old times, wherepeople lived and worked and felt good because of their connection withnature. Often the Vikings came and attacked the village, so the people hid inthe forests and waited there for the Vikings to leave again. There is also alegend, that in the forests of Glendalough there are many treasures, becausethe people hid their treasures there,when the Vikings came.He also told us a short story about the stone symbols that stood there. (justlike the one on the picture). He told us that if two people wanted to be witheach other forever, they should go there and hold their hands around the stone, because everybodywho does that would find true love.

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