12.07.2015 Aufrufe

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh


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2.3.2 Emergency exit security system for a two-leaf emergency exit (cable diagram)Emergency exit control unit10222822Smoke detectorExternal button, temporary releaseTime switchDoor control panel 925 (bus technology)Central control panel 725Ext. emergency unlocking(e.g. fire alarm system)Operator terminal 1332-10/11TürkontakteÒ720-30230 V ± 10%L N PE164Locking elementsÑ2ÓDoor terminalorterminal moduleD0019203G0000300Ñ On two-leaf doors, a locking element must be used in each leaf. Any of the emergency exit locking elementsoffered in the effeff range can be used.When using the surface holding magnets, pay attention to adhere to the minimum clear passage height of2000 mm.Ò When using emergency exit strike 331 RR AKRR or swing door strike 351 RR AKRR, there is no need to mountdoor contacts, as these are already integrated in the strike.Ó The cable diagram is the same for terminal variants.63

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