12.07.2015 Aufrufe

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh


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3 Commissioning, maintenance, recurring testsThe installation and operation of electrical locking systems for doors in escape routes are subject tobuilding supervisory regulations. Adherence to these regulations must be ensured by both the installerand the operator.3.1 Commissioning and recurring testsPrior to initial commissioning of an electrical emergency exit locking system, correct installation of all elementsand their electrical connection must be checked. Particular care must be applied here to the elements forreleasing the locking system in case of danger.As a rule, the correct mounting and function of the electrical emergency exit locking system must be approvedby an expert.In addition, doors in escape routes which are fitted with electrical locks must be tested at least once a year by anexpert. The expert is required to issue a certificate confirming repeated testing, which the user must present tothe building supervisory authorities on request.Note!The instructions provided above relate to standard specifications. As the application of escape routelocking systems is regulated on the Federal State level, the relevant State Government buildinglegislation and test stipulations for technical equipment must be observed.3.2 MaintenanceThe devices described here do not require maintenance. Should faults occur during operation or in one of theprescribed tests which are not caused by faulty installation or mounting, the relevant device must bedecommissioned immediately and sent to the manufacturer for checking.Freedom from maintenance does not exonerate the user from the obligation to perform regular tests of theemergency exit locking system.86

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