12.07.2015 Aufrufe

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh

und Installationsanleitung (pdf) - dz-schliesstechnik gmbh


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2.10 Connection of fire alarm systems (terminals 45-46)The effeff emergency exit control unit 720-30 / 32 features an evaluating unit for the direct connection of firealarm systems. If fire detectors are connected, when a detector in the line is triggered the door is immediatelyreleased and an alarm triggered.Usable fire alarm systemsUp to 5 effeff fire alarm systems of series 60 030(optical smoke detectors) can be connected. Theoptical smoke detector 60030 detects smokeaccording to the scatter light principle. It is used inpreference wherever smouldering fire may beexpected in the initial phases.Connection of the fire detectorsAll the detectors planned to make up an alarmsystem are connected in a loop, terminating with aUHVLVWDQFHRIN XVLQJWKHRXWSXWWHUPLQDOVRIWKHlast detector.Arrangement of the fire detectorsWhen arranging the fire detectors, the assumptionis made that a single detector is able to monitor anarea with a horizontal distance of aro<strong>und</strong> 2 metresaro<strong>und</strong> the position of the detector.Operation without fire alarm systemIf the emergency exit control unit is operatedwithout a directly connected fire alarm system, theWHUPLQDWLQJ UHVLVWDQFH RI N FDQ EH ZLUHGdirectly via terminals 45-46 (=as-delivered status).82

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