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Schwerpunkt Verhaltensorientierte WirtschaftswissenschaftModul 1: Verhaltensorientierte <strong>WiWi</strong>U. Birchler, M. Bütler, Information Economics, London, NewYork: Routledge, 2007.W.B. Arthur, “Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, andLock-In by Historical Events”, The Economic Journal, 99 (1989),116-31.P.A. David, „Clio and the Economics of QWERTY“, AmericanEconomic Review, P&P, 75.2 (1985), 332-7.G.A. Akerlof, ‚The Market for „Lemons“: Quality Uncertainty andthe Market Mechanism’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84.3(1970), 488-500.A. Sen, ‘Isolation, Assurance and the Social Rate of Discount’,Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81.1 (1967), 1<strong>12</strong>-24.G. Tichy, „Die ‚Neue Unsicherheit’ als Ursache dereuropäischen Wachstumsschwäche“, Perspektiven derWirtschaftspolitik, 6.3 (2005), 385-407.D. Eckert et al., ‘Using the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma forExplaining the Evolution of Cooperation in Open SourceCommunities’, in: M. Scotto and G. Succi (Eds.), Proceedings ofthe First International Conference on Open Source Systems,Geneva 2005, 186-91.C. Antonelli, ‘Localized technological change, new informationtechnology and the knowledge-based economy: The Europeanevidence’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 8 (1998), 177-98.J. Lerner, J. Tirole, „Some Simple Economics of Open Source“,The Journal of Industrial Economics, L.2 (2002), 197-234.O. Shy, „Netzpiraten vs. Medienmogule“, WZB-Mitteilungen, 107(2005), 26-8.T. Gallaway, D. Kinnear, „Free Ride: An Institutionalist Analysisof Information in the Internet Age“, Journal of Economic Issues,XXXVI.2 (2002), 441-7.Id., “Open Source Software, the Wrongs of Copyright, and theRise of Technology”, Journal of Economic Issues, XXXVIII.2(2004), 467-74.Zuordnung zumStudienprogrammR.V. Adkisson, „Ceremonialism, Intellectual Property Rights,and Innovative Activity“, Journal of Economic Issues, XXXVIII.2(2004), 459-66.Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre98

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