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Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre (21 CP)Institutionelle und Evolutorische Ökonomie (nur <strong>BWL</strong>)• G.M. Hodgson, Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto forModern Institutional Economics, Oxford: Polity Pr., 1988, 2nded. 1993.• A. Schotter, The Economic Theory of Social Institutions,Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1981.• Gintis, H., Game Theory Evolving. A Problem-CenteredIntroduction to Modeling Strategic Interaction, Princeton NJ:Princeton Univ. Pr., 2000, 2nd ed. 2010.• Gintis, H, The Bounds of Reason. Game Theory and theUnification of the Behavioural Sciences, Princeton and Oxford:Princeton Univ. Press: 2009• J. Potts, The New Evolutionary Microeconomics. Complexity,Competence and Adaptive Behaviour, Cheltenham, UK,Northampton, MA, USA: E. Elgar, 2000.• M.J. Radzicki, ‘Institutional Dynamics, Deterministic Chaos,and Self-Organizing Systems’, Journal of EvolutionaryEconomics, XXIV.1 (1990), 57-102.• T.C. Schelling, Micromotives and Macrobehavior, New York,London: W.W. Norton, 1978.• J.W. Friedman (ed.), Problems of Coordination in EconomicActivity, Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwer Acad. Publ.,1994.• A. Schotter, Microeconomics. A Modern Approach, Boston etal: Addison Wesley Longman, 32001.• W.B. Arthur, ‘Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns,and Lock-In by Historical Events’, The Economic Journal, 99(1989), 116-31.• P.A. David, ‘Clio and the Economics of QWERTY’, AmericanEconomic Review, PP, 75.2 (1985), 332-7.• W.B. Arthur, ‘Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality(The El Farol Problem)’, American Economic Review, PP, 84(1994), 406-11.• K. Dopfer, J. Foster, J. Potts, ‘Micro-meso-macro’, Journal ofEvolutionary Economics, 14 (2004), 263-79.• W. Elsner, T. Heinrich, ‘A Simple Theory of “Meso”. On theCo-Evolution of Institutions and Platform Size’, Journal ofSocio-Economics, 38.5 (2009), 843-58.• H. Alverson, ‘Culture and Economy: Games That “PlayPeople”’, Journal of Economic Issues, XX.3 (1986), 661-79.• E. Ostrom, J. Walker, R. Gardner, ‘Covenants With andWithout a Sword: Self-Governance is Possible’, AmericanPolitical Science Review, 86.2 (1992), 404-17.• A. Sen, ‘Isolation, Assurance and the Social Rate of Discount’,Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81.1 (1967), 1<strong>12</strong>-24.• W.B. Arthur, ‘Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms in Economics’, in:The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, Santa FeInstitute, Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Redwood:Addison-Wesley, 1988, 9-31.• W. Elsner, ‘Real-World Economics Today: The NewComplexity, Co-ordination, and Policy’, Review of SocialEconomy, LXIII.1 (2005), 19-53.• D.J. Watts, Small Worlds. The Dynamics of Networks betweenOrder and Randomness, Princeton and Oxford: PrincetonUniv. Pr., 1999, 8th pr. 2004, Chpt. 8, 199-222.21

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