12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...


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Schwerpunkt IEM2Modul 3: IEM2Beschreibung der Lehrveranstaltungen des ModulsTitel derLehrveranstaltungTitle of the courseVeranstalterNaturalistischer Ansatz in der ÖkonomieA Naturalistic Approach to EconomicsCordesPflicht/Wahlpflicht/WahlXHäufigkeit des Angebots:jährlichSprache:englischCP9Voraussetzungen zurTeilnahmeArbeitsaufwand(workload) / Berechnungder LeistungspunkteLernziele/KompetenzenLearning outcomesInhalteContents of the courses. ModulbeschreibungPräsenz: 14 x 2 h = 28 hVor- und Nachbereitung: = 84 hSelbstlernstudium = 80 hPrüfungsvorbereitung: = 78 hSumme270 hThis lecture will systematically dwell into the motivationalunderpinnings of human behavior in economic contexts. To doso, we will draw on insights from various disciplines to gain adeeper understanding of human behavior and cognition inconsumption, organizations, or political decisions. Hence, theunderlying materials cut across disciplinary boundaries into, forexample, psychology, biology, or anthropology. Participants willbe able to understand and critically reflect the behavioralassumptions underlying most of economics and to creativelyenhance this starting-point of economic theorizing themselves.1. “A Naturalistic Approach to Economics”2. “The Egoistic Gene and the Dual Inheritance Theory”3. “The Human Adaptation for Culture and Some NormativeImplications”4. “Cultural Learning and the Diffusion of Innovations”A Naturalistic Theory of the Firm and Organizational Behavior5. “A Developmental Approach to the Firm”6. “The Role of ‘Instincts’ in the Development of CorporateCultures”7. “A Naturalistic Approach to the Firm”8. “Corporate Cultures and Industry Evolution”Consumption Behavior and Cultural Evolution9. “Social Learning and the Engel Curve”10. “Sustainable Consumption and Cultural Evolution”11. “Role Models that Make You Unhappy – Light Paternalism,Social Learning, and Welfare”Some Naturalistic Aspects of Technological Change<strong>12</strong>. “Long-Term Developments in Human Labor and TheirPolitical Implications”13. “Long-Term Tendencies in Technological Creativity – APreference-Based Approach”14. “A Potential Limit of Competition”54

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