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Schwerpunkt Globalisierung (nur <strong>WiWi</strong>)ProjektmodulInformation Overload’, Ethics and Information Technology.Pavlov, O., ‘Dynamik Analysis of an Institutional Conflict: CopyrightOwners against Online File Sharing’, Journal of Economic Issues,XXXIX.3 (2005), 633-63.Gillespie, T., ‘Copyright and Commerce: The DMCA, TrustedSystems, and the Stabilization of Distribution’, The InformationSociety, 20 (2004), 239-54.Dolfsma, W., ‘IPRs, Technological Development, and EconomicDevelopment’, Journal of Economic Issues, XL.2 (2006).Jaffe, A., Lerner, J., Innovation and its Discontents. How our brokenPatent System is endangering Innovation and Progress and What todo about it, Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Pr., 2004.Suthersanen, U., et al., (Eds.), Innovation without Patents, Harnessingthe Creative Spirit in a Diverse World, Cheltenham, UK: E. Elgar,2007.Cabrera, A., Cabrera, E., ‘Knowlege-sharing Dilemmas’, OrganizationStudies, 23.5, 2002, 687-710.Kalman, M., et al., ‘Motivations to Resolve Communication Dilemmasin Database-Mediated Collaboration’, Communication Research, 29.2,2002, <strong>12</strong>5-54.Lessig, L., The Future of Ideas. The Fate of the Commons in aConnected World, New York: Vintage, 2001, 241-61.Katsamakas, E., Xin, M., An economic analysis of enterprise adoptionof open source software, Working Paper #05-29, NET Institute, 2005,Graduate School of Business, Fordham University, NY,http://www.NETinst.org.Dahlander, L., ‘Penguin in a new suit: a tale of how de novo entrantsemerged to harness free and open source software communities’,Industrial and Corporate Change, 16.5, 2007, 913-43.Jian, G., Jeffres, L.W., ‘Understanding Employees’ Willingness toContribute to Shared Electronic Databases. A Three-DimensionalFramework’, Communication Research, 33.4 (2006), 242-61.Vlaar, P.W.L., Contracts and Trust in Alliances. Discovering, Creatingand Appropriating Value, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA; USA: E.Elgar, 2008, 182-91.Bicchieri, C., Computer-Mediated Communication and Cooperation inSocial Dilemmas: An Experimental Analysis, University ofPennsylvania, 2007, http://ssrn.com/author=736226.Wallman, S., ‘Network Capital and Social Trust: Pre-Conditions for‘Good’ Diversity?’, Nota Di Lavoro 67.2005, Dept. of Anthropology,University College London164

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