12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...

Modulhandbuch_BWL_WiWi_WS 12_13.pdf - Fachbereich ...


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Den Veranstaltungsinhalten Rechnung tragend wird dieVeranstaltung „Simulationsmodelle“ nicht durch eine Prüfungam Ende des Semesters sondern in Form von zwei bis dreiAufgabenblättern (jedes bis zu einem festgelegten Terminabzugeben) geprüft.Computer simulation is one of the most innovative and mostpromising methods employed in economics. Though not anexact analytical method it is a convenient way to approximateanalytical results while being inexpensive and timesaving evenwhen dealing with very complex settings. The course„simulation models“ intends to give a general introduction to themethod, techniques, and applications of computer simulation ineconomics.Students will understand the method of computer simulationincluding its advantages and its shortcomings. They will be ableto both develop and conduct simulation studies for a widerange of problems. This includes the creation of an appropriatesimulation program in a widely used programming language(the course will use Python), the process of carrying, validatingand improving the simulation and the final evaluation of theobtained results. The knowledge of the general concepts ofobject-oriented programming and the experience with one ofthe major programming languages will also facilitate theunderstanding and reproduction of simulation studiesimplemented in different programming languages which thestudents may encounter. Students will further have a broadoverview of which fields in economics regularly use computersimulation and in which way they do this.InhalteContents of the courseCorresponding to the contents of this course, the examinationwill not take the form of a final examination but that of two tothree assignments (each due on a specific date) to becompleted at home.1. Einführung in die Computersimulation1. Warum Computersimulation?2. Methodik3. Spezifische Probleme in der Computersimulation4. Grenzen der Computersimulation5. Programmierungsprinzipien (KISS vs. KIDS)2. Computersimulation in der Ökonomie1. Beschränkte Rationalität und agentenbasierteModellierung2. Simulieren von Replikatormodellen3. Agenten in Netzwerkstrukturen3. Einführung in Python1. Warum Python?2. Der Interpreter3. Operationen, Variablentypen, und Variablen inPython4. Einfache Python-Statements (Schleifen undIterationen, if/elif/else, try/except, …)5. Datenstrukturen in Python6. Input/Output in Python187

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